Chapter Four: A trip into town

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Authors note: Check notes at end of chapter (•_•)

Katsuki had made a delicious breakfast for him and Izuku. He knew Izuku had a sweet tooth and loved strawberries therefore he made his own pancakes, which took longer than expected. Katsuki wasn't one to cook sweet things often; he was a very good cook and would frequently make or help to make diner for the rest of the students, though not many of them could handle his level of spice.

Nonetheless, Katsuki never backed down from a challenge and put his all into these pancakes. They were finished within 30 minutes, a stack of four pancakes with chopped strawberries and maple syrup. Katsuki was proud of what he had accomplished and he felt even better when he saw Izuku's response to the plate full of pancakes. He placed the plate down in front of Izuku, who had at least three pillows under him, to keep him level with the dining table. Katsuki sat next to Izuku and eyed Izuku's reaction to his breakfast. He was very happy with the display, he could not stop smiling.

Izuku: "Thank you so much Kacchan!"

Izuku was literally beaming. It put a small smile on Katsuki's face. As they were having breakfast Katsuki was thinking about what activity they could do today. He didn't want to take Izuku into the school today, as the overload of older students with "awesome" quirks would be too much for Izuku to take in.

More than anything, Katsuki wanted to get to know more about little Izuku. What his thoughts were on Katsuki himself without blurting it out so obviously. Katsuki had spent very little time with Izuku once he found out he was quirkless, it was one of the things Katsuki had regretted most about his past, so many memories they could have had together, nonexistent all because Katsuki was too stubborn to swallow his pride.

Izuku had finished his plate in about 15 minutes. One of his cheeks still stuffed with pancakes, Katsuki took up both his and Izuku's plates and placed them into the sink in the kitchen. Izuku had hoped down from his dining chair and made his way to join Katsuki in the kitchen who was currently cleaning their plates. Izuku tugs on Katsuki's shirt and the teen raises an eyebrow at the miniature child.

Izuku: "Can I help you with the dishes Kacchan?"

Katsuki: "No"

Izuku pouts.

Izuku: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Katsuki: "No"

Izuku: "What are we doing today Kacchan?"

Katsuki: "I'm not sure yet"

Izuku: "Why are your arms so big?"

Katsuki: "I work out a lot"

Izuku: "Does working out hurt?"

Katsuki: "No"

Izuku: "How long do you work out for"

Katsuki: "Why are you asking me so many questions?"

Izuku: "Sorry"

Katsuki sighed to himself. Izuku has always been so unnecessarily apologetic.

Katsuki: "Nothing for you to apologise for... hey I think I left my cup on the table, could you go grab it for me?"

Izuku's face lit up, he was so eager to help.
As Izuku waddled back to the dining table, a ping came from Katsuki's phone. It was a text from Kirishima.

Kiri: Hey man, since ur like in the dorms all day, you think you could head out to town and pick up a few bits from the shop???? We don't need much but uhh I know we're kinda low on some stock

Kiri: Okay look there's this new Crimison Riot cereal I wanna try and it's like limited edition plus idk when I'm next gonna make it out sooooo...

Kiri: Oh and Denki wants some soda


This idiot. He must not know Katsuki at all.. no way is he picking up something like that, if Kaminari wants some shitty magazine he can go get it in his own time. But at least now Katsuki has something to do today, he's also noticed how their dorm was running low on supplies, everybody has been too busy to go out and do a proper shop lately, so Katsuki will use this day to do it all himself; though it would be better to have another set of hands that can carry an equal weight to what he can.

Izuku makes his way back with Katsuki's grenade mug in his hands. He's taking extra precaution with his steps to ensure nothing gets broken. Katsuki picks up on this and once again a small smile is brought to his face, Izuku is so caring with other peoples possessions, if anything he takes more care of others possessions than his own. It's quite sad when you really think about it, Katsuki wonders what sparks this attitude within Izuku.

Izuku happily hands Katsuki his mug, he rests it in the sink and leads Izuku back into the common area of the dorms.

Katsuki: "Uhh so we're gonna head into town and pick up some groceries for everyone, does that sound good?"

Izuku: "Yes! But how will we get into town? Kacchan does not drive"

Katsuki: "We will take the train, Nerd. Come one let's get you dressed into some 'going out' clothes"

Fortunately for Katsuki, Aizawa had already prepared a child care pack ready for the one responsible of looking after Izuku. It did not contain much as most of the children clothes Aizawa owned were for Eri, however with the help of other staff and teachers, Aizawa managed to put together a small pack of clothes, toiletries and a pair of shoes.


The two boys made their way to the train station. It was not too busy at this time as most people were already where they needed to be. The train that had pulled in, however, contradicted this statement. As the boys boarded the train there was barely enough room to breathe, Katsuki was shouldered in by business men in suits; "Shouldn't these guys be at work already?" Katsuki thought to himself, he then looked down at Izuku who was pressed up right against Katsuki's knees, gripping onto the teens trousers for dear life. He thought, maybe, it would be easier and safer to just pick up Izuku, but he was unsure whether that would cross a line... but what line was there to cross? Izuku is literally 5, he's not going to remember this when he changes back, besides these taller business men clearly cannot see the small boy.

And so after much consideration, Katsuki tapped Izuku on the shoulders, he caught the boys attention who was clearly agitated. He indicated to Izuku, he was going to pick him up, he wasn't sure what he did but somehow Izuku understood and the boy raised his arms. Katsuki slightly bent down and held the boy on his waist, he told Izuku to hold on tightly and Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck. After two stops, most of the men in suits had departed from the train, however the train was still fairly packed. The boys had about five more stops to go and Katsuki's legs were getting tired, fortunately for him, after all the men in suits left the train a nice young woman noticed Katsuki carrying Izuku and offered up her seat to him. At first Katsuki denied the seat, to be polite however the woman insisted he sat down, Katsuki decided not to argue further as his legs really were starting to ache, he thanked the woman and accepted her seat, placing Izuku on his lap.

The rest of the journey was spent with Izuku talking away in Katsuki's ear, mentioning how he had "never been to this place before" or how he thought the train was so cool for getting them to town so quickly. Katsuki wanted to tell Izuku to just shut up and be quiet for one second. But he couldn't, all the passengers around Izuku adored him and they didn't even know the kid. Katsuki just had to sit there and let Izuku ramble away.

Apologies this chapter took long to upload!!!
Hope y'all are well and enjoying the story so far :)))
And tysm for those that voted on my previous chapters <33333

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