Ch.14 | 9 Years Later

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A/n: I don't own any manga/anime/songs/book/videogame references that might be in here.

Thanks a lot to my patreons for helping me. Without you guys writing would be very hard.


"Curse at 6 o'clock!" A loud explosion made Fukyutsui wonder why he was still there. A blue shine took over his vision and suddenly space warped inward, completely distorting the curse's body, and destroying its limbs. A mop of white hair rushed past him and crushed the curse's head, killing it. 

"..." there was no need to tell him where the curse was if she was going to kill it before he could react to the information. She stood on top of its disappearing corpse with a smile. She had grown tall.

They were in an abandoned warehouse -- curses seemed to gather a lot in those for some reason -- and went out hunting. Saori did it for fun, and Fukyutsui did it because ever since his promise to Saori's grandfather he didn't have any other ways to level up.

Several curses gathered, surrounding them. Fukyutsui had an iron sword strapped to his hip, he hovered his hands above it, but before he could even think of unsheathing it, Saori would use her cursed technique to arp their arms and hands. She killed all of them easily. They were weak curses whose names were white. Killing them would barely give out any X.P.

The warehouse was full of brownish stains. Fukyutsui couldn't tell if they were blood stains or not. The cracks had moss and weeds growing out of them. 

Saori killed a curse nearby and went back to where Fukyutsui was.  "C'mon red, you've just been standing there! Help out a little!" She grinned, poking him with her elbow. Fukyutsui grabbed the hilt of his sword. He felt a curse close in and the moment it did, he unsheathed it, splitting the curse in two. 

[+200 Xp]

The amount of Xp gained from killing things seemed to decrease if they were too low-leveled. It made Fukyutsui's grind for levels incredibly difficult. He put the sword inside a cloth, and then carried it like it was a shinai from the kendo club.

Saori grabbed Fukyutsui's hand. Fukyutsui stared at her, "Let's go. Let's go!" she dragged him out of the abandoned building, grabbed him by the hand, and jogged out. Her long white hair was blown by the wind and hit Fukyutsui on the face. Not exactly the most present experience. He picked him up the speed, forcing her to let go as he jogged next to her. 

It was nighttime. We rushed through the streets of the city.

While we ran around the city I checked through my skills. They were all extremely high level, almost at one hundred percent. The number of times I needed to level them up increased every level after level seventy-five.

I spent most of my time hanging out with Saori, playing video games, watching movies, and eating food. A lot of our years were spent having fun. 

We were sixteen right now. Three years ago, Saori's grandfather died, and in his will, he strong-armed Fukyutsui to go to junior high and high school with her. He was a very cunning geezer. They were to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. The name was too long, so they just called it Tokyo Jujutsu High. 

Fukyutsui didn't want to go to school. To him, it seemed useless. Saori was rich enough to just pay for private tutors, that way he didn't have to walk all the way to a school, spend seven hours in class bored out of his mind, and then leave with 10% of what was taught. He didn't want to toot his own horn, but after killing hundreds upon hundreds of curses, he was looking really rich as well. 

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