Chapter 1

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I have been working on this one while I was posting 'The Warrior'... I hope you all like this story as much as I had loved writing it... It's different from my supernatural stories.

Present day...

To tell you the truth, the predicament I am in right now is not one I wanted to be in. I mean who doesn't want to be where I am right now, strapped down to a chair being interrogated for a crime I was yet to commit. I mean I guess it's only fair that I sit where I am because well you would if you attempted to kill the representative of Russia at the UN summit. I'm handcuffed with my hands on the table where they can see them. My eyes gaze up to my surroundings and they instantly lock on to the two security cameras in either corner in front of me, I turn around and see two more behind me. I guess they aren't taking chances, the room is grey with one door to my left and in front of me I take to be a mirror. After conducting a few interrogations myself, I know they are staring at me and wondering about me.

I can hear a commotion on the other side of the door, not necessarily hearing the exact words that are being said but I knew they were about me and by the roar I heard I knew someone is confused as hell and very very angry with me.

My eyes travel down to the handcuffs and I smirk knowing I can easily get myself out of these but I choose not to as much as I need to. I feel a cut on the inside of my mouth and look back at the mirror to see my left cheek red and slowly starting to bruise, a cut above my right eyebrow that was starting to bleed. I instantly search the rest of my body, my stomach untouched, my leggings ripped with grazes and a long gash along the bicep of my right arm. I smirk at that one knowing I jumped from a single story building and landed on a car before I was caught by authorities.

"Let me speak with her" I knew that voice and that voice made me worried to think the betrayal my words could affect those that I loved.

I wanted to be the one to tell them about this life I lead, my double life, the reality that pays the bills and lets me travel the world. But no, life could sometimes be cruel and this is what it has come to.

I knew they were on a job I didn't think they would be covering the summit. But I should've known though, I did see army personnel around.

That voice that spoke had opened the door while I was assessing my wounds. I sigh as he steps into the room with a glass of water and a first aid kit.

"Leila" I watch as my best friends husband walks over to the table placing the items in his hands in front of me "I don't understand" He pushes the items towards me. I grab the water, instead of drinking it, I use it to clean the blood from my face and arm wincing as I remove the material at my arm by ripping it off. I hear a bang and look up at him "Yes he is here" His blue eyes were downcast as he said those words. At those words, I had become frozen stiff.

The one person I was meant to tell first above all, was standing behind those doors waiting to see me and wanting to see me.

I look back down at my wounds as I begin to bandage them up "Cameron, have you told her I'm here?" Cameron is a fit man, tall with dirty blonde hair. The woman I am asking him about is my best friend.

He shakes his head "Who do you work for?" he asks. I smile at him

"If you think I'm the bad guy I'm not" I say when I hear a knock at the door "If he wants to come in, please don't let him"

Cameron had touched the ear piece and looked up at me "That's not up to me to decide"

The door open as he asks again "Who do you work for?"

"The people that are higher than the generals of your armies, the world's armies, and the actual people who call the shots in every country that need a solution to a problem solved and dealt with under the radar... I was the fortunate one to get caught in the mist of the act that I didn't get to complete" I didn't take my eyes away from Cameron as the door closed "So you will probably get a phone call to let me go soon"

I turn my gaze to the door. There stood the one person I feared above all would see me this way, the one person who could break me with one glance, one kiss and one touch. His light brown eyes capturing my darker brown ones. His frame was stiff as a board as he walks towards us. His black hair kept the same way since I met him, he was always known as the good looking one in his team, easy on the eyes, I loved teasing him about it. Dillon.

"Can I speak to her alone captain?" He addresses Cameron. My eyes never leave him and his never leave mine. I see the fury, confusion and worry in his eyes as he held my gaze. I can't help but pull away fearing what may happen if I continue to look at him and turn to Cameron who takes the first aid kit, then checks me over

"If I wanted to break out of the cuffs, I would've done it a long time ago" I say and turn to Dillon who decided to stand in front of the mirror still watching me.

"Yeah you're right" Cameron nods his head to Dillon before leaving the room

Dillon stands there staring at me. He is never a man short of something to say when he needs to say something, but when he is silent it was when he was at his worse. Right now I was on the receiving end of it. I wanted to break out of the cuffs and go to him, to get down on my knees in front of him, to tell him I am so sorry for lying and keeping this from him but I couldn't. My husband of three years stands before me motionless for what felt like hours was actually minutes. His intense gaze held me and his gaze prevented me from pulling away. He was trying to force me to break until the door flew open and Cameron came through

"She's free to go" Cameron sighs "The President demands her release" Dillon's eyes widened at me then at Cameron "Michael is here to collect her" Dillon simply nods his head unmoving from his spot, Cameron comes over to take the cuffs off me when I easily slip my hands out and hand them back to him.

"Hmm how am I going to explain to my wife her best friend's father is in town?" he says as I follow him but turn to Dillon who continued to stare at me

"Don't worry about it... He'll sort it out" I move to touch his arm but I don't when I feel my husband's gaze on my back "The less you all know the easier to keep everything away from you"

"Michael" Dillon says stepping out from behind us and shaking his hand. Michael shakes it back and turns to his son in law

"We have a situation Leila" Michael hands me his cell phone and I look down to see my older sisters name on the screen. I look up at him confused "Talk to her"


It's not very long but I hope this held your interest in this new story I have started.

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