Chapter 1

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Once Stiles awoke, he found himself laying on the ground, however, he wasn't in the tub anymore, or in that river that he imagined. Upon looking up he saw trees. Tall, mighty trees.

"Hello? Hello, anyone out here?" Stiles called out only to receive a defining silence back, not even any animal noises. "What the hell? Where am I?" Stiles asked aloud to himself.

"Some kind of forest by the looks of it." A voice answered back making Stiles whip his head around to see an almost exact replica of himself leaning on a fallen log and looking up at the sky.

"Who the hell are you," Stiles asked backing up and lowering himself slightly into a defensive stance.

"I don't really have a name. But I am a part of you." The copy replied turning his head to look at Stiles, who quickly noticed the copy's bright red glowing eyes.

"What do you mean a part of me?" Stiles asked standing up straighter but still keeping his distance.

"Guess I should just rip off the band-aid. I am a fox spirit that has taken you as my host." Stiles just stood staring at his copy waiting for his brain to comprehend what he was just told.

"A fox spirit... that is inhabiting my body?" Stiles asked slowly.

"More or less, although you are my host it doesn't mean that I have to stay in your body. I can take this spirit form so I can still do whatever I want while you have control of your body."

"So, you can just take control of my body at any time?" Stiles asked slightly worried about this new development before relaxing after hearing a laugh.

"No, you are the dominant consciousness. You have to relinquish control to me. I can't force my way out, even while you are asleep."

"At least I'm still in control. So, what do you do for me?"

"Because we are bonded you get all of my abilities. Basically, you are a werewolf with magic."


"Yep. Kitsunes are magical creatures. And lucky for you, you got the best kind. A Nogitsune"

"And what exactly is a Nogitsune?"

"We are often referred to as 'evil' or 'dark' kitsunes. I mean sure we normally are more violent than the others, but we just enjoy tricking people more than the others."

"Why do they think that you are evil?"

"Well, one of the younger Nogitsunes went on a rampage and killed a bunch of people. So, we all ended up getting grouped with him. You know stereotypes and whatnot."

"Alright, now that we have gotten that out of the way, you said that you don't have a name, right?"

"Well, I mean, I probably did but I haven't been in a body in a thousand years. I've forgotten any name that might have been given to me." Stiles looked closely at the face opposite him studying every feature hoping a name would appear based on the differences between them.

"Abyss," Stiles said simply before leaning back to stand straight.

"Abyss... A fitting name. I feel like we are going to be great partners."

"So back to the serious issue, where are we?"

"Judging from the density and colour of this forest I would guess that we are in a parallel timeline." Abyss stated while walking around stroking a nearby tree.

"You got that from the density and colour?" Stiles asked sceptically, assuming that Abyss was just pulling a trick on him.

"I can hear your thoughts you know. But to answer your question: At the time that you were submerged most natural forests were dying out or were being ripped out. And the ones that were left never showed such vibrant colouring. For it to be on this scale it would have had to have been left virtually untouched for almost 100 years."

"You are smarter than you look."

"Aren't you just insulting yourself?" Abyss asked. Stiles opened his mouth to answer but quickly shut it once he understood what he did.

"Wait. I was trying to find my dad. How do I get back?" Stiles asked as he approached Abyss who in turn stood firm but raised his hands in surrender.

"I know that the Nemeton serves as a sort of gateway, it would be able to return you back to your universe for a period of time."

"What do you mean a period of time?"

"You were sent to this universe for a reason and as such your life force has bonded to this universe. I'd say that at most your body might be able to handle a week in the other universe before it gets forcibly pulled back here."

"So, I am stuck here?"

"For now, yes. But it doesn't have to be a bad thing. You know that you have always felt like there was something missing from your life. Maybe this is it?" Stiles thought about what Abyss told him as they walked through the forest, aimlessly, exploring their new environment.

"I can sense 5 human life signs about 1km SW of here," Abyss told Stiles instantly switching him on who also began sniffing the air remembering all of the lessons taught to Scott.

"Yeah, I smell them too. I don't want to scare them too much; do you reckon these clothes will match with what they are wearing?" Stiles asked looking down at his grey shirt and maroon pants.

"They look close enough, although they all seem to be wearing these clunky metal bracelets."

"Anything you can do about that?" Stiles asked and in return, a metal bracelet appeared on his arm. "Wow. Ow!"

"It is a simple projection. It will look and feel real but will be completely useless." Abyss stated proudly.

"Why did you cover the inside with spikes!?" Stiles asks as he starts waving his arm around after the sudden pain.

"I just copied their armbands exactly. It's not my fault that you got stabbed." Abyss held a smirk before turning serious looking in the direction they were walking. "We are now within 100m of the people."

"Alright, let's go introduce ourselves." Stiles said to Abyss who in turn just rolled his eyes.

"I'm not really here, to anyone else it just looks like you are talking to air. So maybe don't introduce me unless you want them to think that you are crazy."

"Fair point. Wish me luck then." Stiles didn't wait for a response as he pushed forward toward the group.

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