Chapter 18

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"What have you done?" Anya asked walking back into the room grabbing Clarke and throwing her away and into a wall. After she did, she examined what Clarke had done before turning to Stiles.

"You know, she told me who you are to her. Talia was always strange like that, willing to become the second of someone from the sky."

"She apparently saw something in me that she wanted for herself."

"Although I did not approve of it at first, after I saw how far she come in only a week I realized that she made the right choice. It is a shame that we are at war, you would have made an exceptional instructor for our young warriors."

"Hmm, maybe when this is all over. I told Talia that once this war was over I would leave Skaikru, perhaps that is something that I could do afterward."

"Yes, Talia mentioned that you hold very little affiliation with them. It is not too late for you, if you were to leave them and stand by our side, I am sure that you would live a long life."

"I wish I could, but if I did that there would be nothing stopping you from completely wiping them out."

"That may be true, but why should I care about wiping them all out?"

"Not all of them deserve death, some are innocent and deserve to live on."

"Innocent? Your morals must have been something that drew her in. You believe in justice, an honorable concept but in a war, no one is ever truly innocent."

"That is where you are wrong. When you see enough wars, you begin to understand both sides. For instance, the village that they destroyed, it wasn't filled with warriors but rather women and children who were living their lives normally until they were killed. Are you telling me that they were not innocent? Are you telling me that it was okay for them to kill those people?"

"You speak as if they are not your people." Stiles was about to answer her as Clarke began to regain consciousness. He went over to her and checked to make sure she was okay before she quickly jumped to her feet and went over to check on Talia.

"She's breathing a little better, but even if we save her, what happens then?" Clarke said as she walked back over to where Stiles was standing.

"Then maybe we don't die today," Stiles responded.

"She's hot," Anya called over. 'Abyss'

"Talia's body temperature is registering at 38 degrees. It is possible for me to manage her body's systems the way I manage yours. But it would mean bonding with her. Do you want me to do it?" 'Just hold on, we might not need it

"Her heart rate's way up. She's probably septic." Clarke said while checking her pulse.

"What does that mean?" Anya asked.

"It means her blood's poisoned," Clarke responded before going over to the instruments and checking out a number of vials.

"She needs real medicine," Clarke said before standing up in a huff and walking over to Anya.

"How could you send a little girl into battle? What is wrong with you people?"

"She was with me. It is how we train them to be warriors."

"So, the killing can just go on and on."

"Clarke that's enough."

"You put the bomb on the bridge. You did this." Anya said getting closer to her. As she did Talia began gasping for air.

"She is struggling to breathe; you don't have long to act."

"She needs clean blood," Clarke said.


"Okay, there's no tubing so we need a syringe. The biggest one you can find. And I need a cannula. It's like a hollow needle." Clarke said while searching through the supplies.

"You can't give her your blood. She is a Nightblood, she needs another Nightblood." Stiles grabbed a scalpel and stabbed his arm revealing the same black blood that she had.

"Stiles how is that possible."

"Sorry Clarke," Stiles said before knocking her out.

"Alright, listen I am about to do something that you will not understand. Just don't kill me, I would do anything to save Talia's life." Stiles said looking at Anya who, after a second, nodded back at him.

"Abyss I'll leave it to you," Stiles said as Abyss appeared behind him and immediately stabbed a needle into Stiles' back. As he did that the 2 Grounders drew their swords after seeing him appear only to be stopped by Anya raising her hand. Abyss extracted the blood and moved over to Talia before stabbing the needle into her arm once again giving her Stiles' blood.

"Alright the blood should help flush out her system but I will help as well. I knocked Talia out in order to maximize the healing, she will remain in that state for a few hours. After which she will be completely healed." Abyss said before disappearing. Suddenly the all too familiar firefly flew out of Stiles' mouth before entering Talia's and disappearing. After Abyss left him, Stiles slumped back down against the wall. After a few seconds, Anya walked over and knelt down in front of him.

"Talia told me that you were different from the rest, I did not believe her. Now I do, you have my gratitude for saving her life. But I must ask: Why did you knock Clarke out before you saved her life?"

"Skaikru does not know the truth about me, only Talia, you and those two know. And I would like to keep it that way."

"With your abilities, you could wipe us all out by yourself," Anya said worryingly.

"I could, but your people haven't done anything worthy of my aggression."

"We killed many members of Skaikru."

"They invaded your land; you had every right to kill them."

"You do truly understand our side in this war. You have my respect."

"Clarke will wake up soon. Anya; Have someone move Talia's body after Clarke wakes up but pretend like she is dead."


"If Clarke believes that we failed in saving Talia's life then my identity remains a secret."

"An interesting strategy. You, return his weapon. You, prepare to take her body."

"Last thing: Make sure to say that you are going to kill me, considering that you said you would at the beginning. I will signal you when to begin." Stiles walks over and crouches by Clarke, when she stirs awake Stiles nods to Anya and his plan is put into motion.

"Take him away and kill him," Anya said while following the Grounder carrying Talia out.

"No. No, no! No, please, no! No, I did everything I could! No!" Clarke protested as Stiles got dragged out of the room.

"Clarke, stop. They'll hurt you."

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