Chapter 12

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"Hey, Octavia go down and get Clarke to give you some of the antidote. Bellamy you and the others go and get some rest, I'll watch over him for the night." Stiles said earning a nod from Bellamy as he moved to the ladder and climbed down followed by the other boys and Octavia. Now that Stiles was alone with the man, he started to gather supplies to clean him up. Once he had done that, he started removing the knife from his hand before grabbing some cloth and dunking it in some water before wiping the blood away from the wound so that he could stitch it up. As he reached up to clean it the man closed his hand and moved it away from him.

"Hey. Look, I need to clean this." Stiles said looking at him. Before he spoke to himself out loud. "At least Talia wasn't this troublesome." The mas eyes shot up and examined Stiles after he finished saying that.

"Here. Let me try." Stiles heard from behind recognizing the voice to be Octavia's. She took the cloth and moved it to his hand and began to clean the blood. "So, who is Talia?" She asked looking at Stiles.

'Shit, she heard me.'

"She's like my little sister. I'm surprised you haven't seen her; she always follows me around." Stiles said and with the last sentence, he directed it at the man who nodded after he heard him meaning that he understood what Stiles was saying. While Octavia was cleaning the wound Clarke came up the ladder and saw Octavia wiping away the blood.

"I never wanted him to get hurt, Octavia. You have to know that. I just wanted to save Finn." She said walking towards her.

"For the record, you didn't save Finn. That was her. But whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better." Stiles said with anger in his eye as he watched Clarke. Once Clarke had climbed down the ladder Octavia began talking to the man.

"I'm so sorry. You saved my life and look at the thanks you get. I never wanted any of this to happen to you." Once she had finished, He moved his hand to cover hers before looking at her.

"Thank you." He struggled out, leaving Octavia with a shocked face and earning a small grin from Stiles.

"Octavia, you should really get some rest. I will finish up here, you can come back in the morning." Stiles said before taking the cloth from Octavia and guiding her to the ladder. Once she had climbed down Stiles walked back over to the man.

"You could have saved yourself a lot of pain if you had just said something," Stiles said as he finished cleaning the blood and moved a crate so that he could sit in front of the man.

"Why would I talk to the people who attacked me and chained me up?"

"Fair point, yet you are talking to me."

"I have seen you. You are different. Besides Talia trusted you enough to become your second, there must be something about you."

"So, you are the one she has been talking to. Can I take it that you are one of the ones who would have asked to be my second if I was one of you?"

"That is correct. My name is Lincoln."

"Ai laik Stiles," Stiles said shocking Lincoln.

"You speak our language. How interesting, I'm starting to understand why she trusts you."

"Well, don't worry when I find the chance, I will help you get out of here."

"What if they find out and banish you?"

"Then they banish me. You should get some sleep." Stiles said before moving the crate away and walking over to the side of the dropship and sat down closing his eyes. When morning came Stiles moved down to the middle level and Miller took his place. When he made it to the middle level, he heard Bellamy and Octavia talking.

"You're still here?" Bellamy asked his sister.

"I'm not moving until you let me see him."

"Get comfortable... I let him live. Isn't that enough?"

"He saved my life. And yours."

"I know you see it that way but-" Bellamy started but got interrupted by Octavia.

"That's the way it is."

"He's still dangerous."

"Only because of what you did."

"Whatever twisted connection you think you have with that animal, forget it. You don't get to see him. End of conversation."

"Why do you care if I 'ruined your life?' You should want me to go up there. Maybe you'll get lucky, and he'll kill me. Problem solved."

"Octavia, you know I didn't mean that."

"Bellamy" Clarke's voice calls out as she enters the dropship

"The answer is still no... I'm not talking to Jaha."

"Hey. Relax. That's not why I'm here."

"What then?"

"The Ark found some old records that show a supply depot not far from here."

"What kind of supplies?"

"The kind that give us a chance to live through winter. I'm going to go check it out. I could use backup."

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because right now, I don't feel like being around anyone I actually like."

"Hey! What did I do?" Stiles called out mockingly from the other side of the dropship raising his hands in the air earning a small chuckle from Octavia.

"You know what I mean."

"I do. Have fun without me." Stiles joked. Bellamy smirked.

"I'll get my stuff. Meet you in ten." And they walked out of the dropship. After they left Stiles soon after walked out of the camp and met up with Talia.

"So, what are we doing today?" She asked as she dropped down from a tree.

"Firstly, drink this, it'll help with the pain. Secondly, we are working on your skill to hide in plain sight."

"You already know how good I am at hiding." Talia smugly states.

"I don't mean in trees I mean out in the open. I grabbed some clothes that look like they should fit you."

"This sounds like a terrible idea. Why?"

"They have Lincoln chained in the top of the dropship. We are going to get him out."

"You should have said that first, when do we leave?"

"Get changed then we head off," Stiles said before walking away a bit giving Talia some privacy so she could change. Once she did, they walked back into camp.

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