Chapter 21

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Stiles walked out of the dropship. He put his katana on his back, and his knife on his waistband then walked up to Octavia. They waited for the gate to open so they could leave. When the gate was opened and Octavia and Stiles walked at the front of the group because they were trained and knew a lot more about grounders than the rest of the delinquents. They walked for a while, Stiles and Octavia talking occasionally but not much since both of them were focused on looking out for any threats.

"You know the first thing I'm gonna do when we get to the beach?" Miller asked from behind them.

"No. What?" Drew questioned him.

"I want to go surfing." He replied.

"Quiet. Keep your eyes open." Jasper told her.

The feeling returned to Stiles again like it did in the tunnels. Stiles reached over and grabbed Octavia throwing her to the ground before stepping out of the way.

"What the hell Stiles." When she said that she looked up at Drew and saw a big star blade pierced right through his head, he fell on the ground, and a pool of blood formed beneath him. The delinquents behind them started gasping and panicking.

"Grounders!" Jasper screamed at the top of his lungs and Stiles felt Octavia's hand grip his in worry before she tugged on it and pulled him along with the other delinquents who were running back to camp and shouting. When they got back to camp the gunners went straight away to their positions. Octavia and Stiles helped to close the gate along with the others.

"Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive," Clarke informed the group.

"If it's just scouts, we can fight them," Stiles replied.

"It won't be that hard."

"That's what Lincoln would do," Octavia added.

"We're done doing what that grounder would do. We tried it and now Drew is dead. You two want to be next?" Bellamy asks them.

"That grounder saved our lives. I agree with Stiles and Octavia. For all we know, there's one scout out there." Finn responded.

"One scout with insanely good aim," Jasper added.

"They hide in the trees and we have guns, if we find good cover, we'll be able to beat them," Stiles told them before his stare drifted to Clarke.

"Clarke, we can still do this," Octavia said as she shifted her gaze to the blonde girl who was deep in thought.

"Looking to you, Princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?" Bellamy asked.

"Clarke. If we're still here when Tristan gets here, we're dead." Stiles said looking at Clarke.

"Lincoln said "scouts." More than one. He said, 'get home before the scouts arrive.' Stiles, they're already here." Clarke told him and then looked at Bellamy.

"Looks like you've got your fight."

"Ok, then. This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed." Bellamy shouted and every gunner started moving to their post. Stiles and Octavia looked at each other and nodded before they started running towards a tunnel with other gunners.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You are not a gunner." Bellamy stopped Octavia.

"No, she's not." Stiles huffed.

"We're grounders," Octavia added and the two of them moved and got through a tunnel to get outside the wall. They ran into a foxhole along with Miller who had a rifle in his hands.

"All foxholes, listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan." Bellamy said on the radio. Soon it got dark outside and Octavia and Stiles were still in the foxhole waiting for the attack to happen. Stiles turned to Octavia.

"I have a really stupid idea. I'll hopefully be back soon." He told her.

"If they attack us and you're not here, we're dead." She replied.

"Hey, I have faith in you guys. Lincoln taught you how to use the sword so you will be fine. Miller, they will probably try and get us to waste bullets so don't shoot at them unless they are running toward you. Good luck." Stiles said before running off disappearing into the forest. He ran until he found the Reaper tunnel and ran straight in. Once he found the Reapers he stopped.

Once again the feeling was in the back of his mind except this time it felt like he had control. He felt the power that Abyss gave him even though he wasn't here. In a sense he was glad, this power took his emotions, and he was heartless. Yes, he would be guilty once he was done, but he won't hesitate during the fight.

"Alright, here we go." Stiles walked out of his hiding spot and walked towards the Reapers. They saw him and got up ready to attack before Stiles began to talk.

"I am the one who commands death, you will bow before me or you will die," Stiles said, his voice booming as if it were Abyss and it echoed throughout the tunnel. One Reaper felt brave and rushed toward him only to be decapitated in an instant. The remaining Reapers all bowed before Stiles causing him to smile.

"Good, now let us go to war," Stiles said before turning and walking back down the tunnel he entered through being closely followed by his new army. They left the tunnels and walked out into the forest before walking towards where the grounders were attacking the camp from.

"Grounders!" Stiles' voice boomed; this time it was even louder causing the forest to fall silent.

"You have angered the Dark Watcher, the one you should have feared. I speak to you directly Tristan." He pointed his sword at him before lowering it again.

"Remember this, I fight with Death at my side. You all must die; my brethren are hungry." Stiles said before his army of Reapers appeared and stood behind him awaiting their next orders.

"Kill them all." He said while lowering his katana to his side.

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