Chapter 17

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When Stiles awoke the next morning, he went outside to see the smokehouse going. However, he noticed that there was too much smoke, the place was about to catch fire. Without thinking he ran in and dragged Murphy out before running back in to grab Octavia. Once he did, he joined the others as they tried to put the fire out before conceding defeat. Bellamy gathered everyone and had them pair off to go out hunting. Stiles went over to Clarke and offered his services. She accepted then one of the other boys walked over.

"Hey, partner, we're wasting daylight." He said looking at Clarke before looking over to Stiles.

"Oh, Stiles, you joining the band?" he asked.


"Awesome. Haven't really gotten the chance to hang with you guys much. Do you even know how I got arrested on The Ark?" He asked as he looked to Clarke and grinned

"I'm dying to hear about it," Stiles said before they left the dropship and out of the camp into the forest. The boy continued his story about being arrested while Stiles wasn't paying attention and instead was focused on hunting. Stiles stopped and looked down and saw a fresh set of tracks.

"One of those scaly panther things?" The boy asked 'What the hell are you even talking about.'

"No, boar," Stiles replied not paying much attention to the boy.

"Good, because that panther meat is nasty. But I could eat a whole boar by myself. No joke. Do you know what the best part is? Of a boar. It's going to sound gross-"

"Myles quiet for a second." Clarke cut him off as she saw Stiles staring at the set of tracks on the ground.

"What is it."

These tracks."

"They're perfect."

"Too perfect. We're the ones being hunted." Myles stood up and aimed his gun looking around the surrounding forest."

Stiles heard a string being pulled before a sudden rush of air, he quickly moved his head out of the way letting the arrow fly past into Myles' leg. Before another one flew into his chest.

"Myles!" Clarke yelled looking over at him.

"Clarke, come on," Stiles said getting up and starting to move away. "We've got to leave him." He said looking back only to see a Grounder standing over her unconscious body. That was only for a moment before everything faded to black.

But in the black Stiles saw something he didn't expect to, Abyss.

"Abyss? What is going on?"

"You were knocked unconscious. Your mind has brought your conscience here, to this meeting place of sorts. Think of it as the gateway between our consciousnesses."

"But, how are you here?"

"I have been by your side for years, whether you realized it or not. My last partner wished for me to protect you so she separated us and transferred me to you."

"Your last partner? Who was she?"

"For many years she was known as Becca Franco, but she used the Nemeton and traveled to a parallel world. Once she arrived, she changed her name... to Claudia Gajos." Stiles stood there completely shocked.

"My... mother? You knew my mother?"

"I knew her since she was a child. Now, I think that you have slept long enough. It's time to wake up." Abyss said before Stiles felt an electric shock and his eyes shot open. He saw that he was being carried into a room by a Grounder while another one carried Clarke. They placed both of them down and left the room. Stiles moved over and woke up Clarke before moving to sit against the wall.

"Where are we?"

"No idea. But in the grand scheme of things, I really don't think that it matters."

"You think that they are going to kill us?"

"They didn't bother to blindfold us; they didn't care if we saw where we were. So, it would be highly likely that they will kill us." 2 Grounders walked in and dragged the 2 of them into the next room. They were forced onto their knees and stared up at the Grounders until another one walked between them; it was Anya. She pulled out her sword and moved towards Stiles.

"Wait, wait, wait, no!" Clarke protested trying to stop her before being held back by a Grounder. Stiles just reached his bound hands out in front of him and waited for her to cut the rope.

"You caught on quick." She said looking at him.

"What do you want from us?" He asked as a Grounder behind Anya moved a curtain revealing a young girl's body lying on a table. 'Talia'

"Help her," Anya said before stepping out of the way.

"If she dies... he dies." She says pointing her sword at Stiles. Clarke walks up to Talia to examine her wounds.

"I can't do this. I don't have any equipment." Anya nods to one of the other Grounders.

"We'll provide you with what we can."

"Why do you think I can save her?"

"Lincoln told her," Stiles said before walking up to the table.

"Yes. Our healer is gone, there is nothing we can do for her. For his sake, I hope you can." She says before walking out.

"Clarke, you can do this."

"Wait, what happened to her?"

"She was on the bridge when your bomb exploded. You did this to her." A Grounder comes back in and places a number of different instruments on the ground.

"She's getting worse."

"Help me lift her up," Clarke said before they sat her up and Clarke placed her ear against her back.

"She's not moving any air on the left. There's fluid pressing on her lungs. But I don't see any entry wounds."

"No, it wasn't shrapnel, it was trauma. The force of the explosion, it hit her in the chest."

"She's drowning in her own blood." Clarke realized before walking over to the instruments.

"She can't breathe. I have to relieve pressure." She says before picking up a scalpel and walking back towards Talia.

"I need a small tube, something rigid, the size of my finger." One of the grounders reaches behind him and grabs a syringe before handing it to Stiles.


"Thanks," Stiles replied before Clarke starts talking to herself trying to find where to stab. Once she did, she grabbed the syringe and pushed it into Talia.

"Woah, she has black blood."

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