Chapter 11

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"Abyss, talk to me. Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah, she's about 20km north of your current position. I recommend caution, she is not alone." Stiles ran through the forest drawing closer to Octavia until he was within a few kilometers and slowed down looking around. He noticed Finn and Bellamy and walked up to them silently. They entered a cave and Stiles waited outside keeping an eye out in case anyone uninvited decided to show up. After a few minutes, they came out carrying Finn who had a knife stabbed into his chest.

They rushed back to camp and took Finn into the dropship so that Clarke could save him. Stiles went and sat in one of the tents for a few hours talking to Abyss when he saw Bellamy and a few of his men dragging a grounder through the camp and into the dropship. He watched as they dragged him to the top level of the ship but he remained on the ground level as he was sure that his presence would only make things worse. After Clarke had completed the surgery on Finn he started foaming at his mouth and Stiles sprung up into action.

"Quick help me get him on his side," Clarke said starting to move Finn while looking at Raven.

"Raven, there's fluid in his lungs. He could choke, quick."

"Fluid in his lungs does that mean the knife—"

"No. It's not blood it's something else. I did everything she told me."

"He's been poisoned," Stiles added as he walked over to Finn.

"No, but she sterilized everything. I watched her do it."

"No, the poison was on the knife," Stiles answered looking down at the knife.

"Can you cure it?"

"Not without knowing the type of poison," Stiles said as Clarke picked up the knife and walked over to the ladder.

"Stay here." She said before climbing up.

"Oh hell no. Raven watch over Finn. Call out if anything happens. I've got to make sure Clarke doesn't do anything stupid." Stiles said before following Clarke up the ladder.

"What's on this?" Clarke asked holding the knife up in front of the Grounder's face.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked

"He poisoned the blade," Stiles answered.

"All this time, he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did. What is it? Is there an antidote?" Clarke finished.

"Clarke, he doesn't understand you" Octavia added from behind her.

"The vials. It's got to be here."

"You'd have to be stupid to have poison around this long without an antidote. Which one?"

"Answer the question!" Bellamy yelled at him.

"Show us. Please." Octavia pleaded.

"Which one? Our friend is dying down there, and you can stop that."

"I'll get him to talk," Bellamy said walking toward him

"Bellamy, no," Octavia said grabbing his arm before he throws a punch.

"He wants Finn to die. Why can't you see that?" He shot back. "Do you want him to live or not?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"Clarke, you even said it yourself. This is not who we are. He was protecting me. He saved my life."

"We're talking about Finn's life."

"Do it."

"No. Just tell us." Octavia said before being dragged away. Bellamy begins cutting of the man's shirt with his knife.

"You're going to show us the antidote, or you're going to wish you had." Bellamy grabs the seatbelt from off his shoulder and looks over to Clarke who nods at him.

"Bellamy no. Please." Octavia pleaded again. Bellamy began whipping the man with the seatbelt. After he whipped him the second time Clarke stepped in and put the vials on the ground.

"Please. Which one's the antidote?"

"Just tell them." When he doesn't Bellamy grabs Clarke's shoulder telling her to move before starting to whip him again. This continued for a number of minutes all the while Stiles observed the man's vitals to see if he was holding up.

"Enough!" Octavia yelled.

"Clarke, he's getting worse," Raven called up.

"We're running out of time. Which one? Which one is it? If you tell us, they'll stop. Please tell us which is the antidote and they'll stop this."

"If that doesn't work, then maybe this will," Bellamy says before picking up a knife.

"Clarke, you don't have to be here for this."

"I'm not leaving until I get that antidote."

"Last chance." After a few moments of silence, Bellamy stabs the knife into the man's hand.

"Ouch. That's got to hurt." Abyss winced while looking at the man's hand

"What's taking so long," Raven called out as she climbed the ladder. "He stopped breathing."


"He started again. Next time, he might not."

"He won't tell us anything."

"Wanna bet?"

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked

"Showing him something new," Raven said before jamming 2 live wires into the man's chest electrocuting him.

"If she keeps this up he might die." Abyss alerted Stiles who got himself prepared to stop her.

"Which one is it? Come on!" She stabs them back into him.

"His heart rate is nearing its maximum. If not stopped, he will die." Abyss warned making Stiles jump to his feet.

"That's enough!" Stiles called out

"No more!" Octavia shouted a split second after him.

"He's letting Finn die!" Raven shouted back.

"And you will kill him at this rate," Stiles said before Octavia cut her wrist with the poisoned knife.

"Octavia, no," Bellamy said

"He won't let me die," Octavia said defending her actions.

"Octavia what the hell did you-" Bellamy asked before Stiles held up his arm blocking Bellamy from approaching.

"Let this happen, Bellamy, trust me."

"This one?" Octavia asked tapping the ground behind one of the vials with the knife.

"Come on." The man's head started moving to the side signaling that it was the one on the side.

"Yeah? Yeah, yeah. This one?" She asked holding up the vial before he nodded his head. She handed the vial to Clarke who grabbed it and rushed to the ladder to go and save Finn.

"Here," Stiles said grabbing a strip of cloth and wrapping it around Octavia's wrist. As he did Bellamy moved to grab Octavia's shoulders who in turn moved out of his grip.

"Don't touch me," Octavia said as she looked up at the man.

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