Chapter 13

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"Whatever you do, don't eat those nuts. They make you go out of your mind." Talia said pointing to the crate filled with nuts. Afterward, she went over to a pile of clothes and grabbed a hand full and stuffed them into a bag, and carried it back to where Stiles was standing.

"Good to know, we are almost there. Come on." Stiles led her through the camp and into the dropship. When they climbed the ladder Stiles was greeted by Miller.

"Stiles, you shouldn't be up here. Who's the kid?"

"I've come to relieve you, you have watched him all morning, I'll watch him for a while then you can take the night shift. Sound good."

"Alright but the kid comes with me. She shouldn't be up here."

"Trust me she'll be fine, besides I'm midway through telling her a story and I don't really want to leave it halfway."

"Whatever. I'll be back in a few hours." And with that he left, Talia instantly running over and hugging Lincoln

"Yu beda nou be hir yong won." Lincoln said to her.

"We are going to get you out in a few hours, just sit tight." Once he said that the sound of someone climbing up the ladder could be heard so Stiles instinctively pulled Talia towards him and stood in front of her.

"Something I can help you with Octavia?"

"Relax. I thought you might be hungry. A peace offering. Who's the kid?"

"Here we go again. This is Talia. I honestly can't believe that you haven't seen her following me around."

"Nice to meet you, Talia. Enjoy the nuts, I'll head back down now." Octavia moved to start going back down the ladder.

"Octavia. Come back up here." Stiles said with authority causing her to stop and climb back up.

"You think I don't know what happens when you eat these?" Stiles said holding up the packet of nuts.

"I don't know what you-"

"Relax." Talia opened her bag and dropped the clothes on the floor before she and Stiles moved to Lincoln to remove his restraints.

"We need to go now," Talia told him as she cut the restraints on his feet while Stiles cut the ones on his arms with her dagger.

"Why are you doing this?" Octavia asked the two of them as they helped him put the clothes on.

"Just keep a lookout." Stiles let out a huff, helping him put the jacket on.

"You'll be out of here soon," Stiles assured him and he shook his head in disagreement.

"They'll know you helped him," Octavia said calmly.

"He stays here, he dies. And besides what's the worst that they will do, banish me?" Octavia responded shaking her head in determination.

"I'm not gonna put you in danger," Lincoln said

"We need to do this now. Ok." Talia ignored his words.

"Even in these clothes, I'll be seen." Octavia laughed catching his attention.

"Thanks to the nuts, people are seeing plenty of things right now." Lincoln nodded hesitantly before they grabbed his arms and helped him walk over to the ladder.

"What did you do?" Lincoln asked them.

"They've all been munching on some Jobi nuts," Talia said.

"Jobi nuts, they go bad, it wears off," Lincoln informed them.

"Just try to get as far away as you can, ok, and try not to get yourself killed," Octavia told Lincoln with a smile, which he returned before he turned around. And just when he was about to get down the ladder, he made his way back and cupped Octavia's face before he pulled her into a kiss. When they pulled back, he just left, leaving Octavia Stiles and Talia all shocked and without words. It was silent for a few moments before Octavia heard Talia chuckle,

"So, grounder romance?" Talia raised an eyebrow at Octavia who blushed.

"It's scandalous, I love it." She said before following Lincoln. Octavia left leaving Stiles alone in the dropship. After a few hours, he climbed down the ladder and ran outside.

"He's gone! The Grounder is gone!" Stiles shouted alerting everyone and making them scared as they whisper to each other.

"What if he brings other Grounders back?" Jasper asked.

"They'll kill us all," a random boy said.

"Let the Grounders come," Bellamy said making his presence known.

"We've been afraid of them for too long. Why? Because of their knives and spears. I don't know about you... but I'm tired of being afraid." He says before nodding to Clarke and revealing the stack of guns they were hiding behind their backs.

"These are weapons, okay? Not toys. And we must be prepared to give them up to the Guard when the ships come. But until then... they're going to help keep us safe."

"And there are plenty more where these came from. Tomorrow we start training. And if the Grounders come... We're going to be ready to fight." Bellamy finished and walked over to where Octavia was standing looking out into the forest.

"You know, Stiles. That acting back there was top-notch. I almost bought it." Octavia said chuckling.

"Yeah, well if I didn't say something they would know that I helped him, and they would have guessed that you did too."

"That girl. Talia. She isn't from the Ark, is she? She is one of them."

"Yes," Stiles said "Goodnight, Octavia" Stiles finished as he started walking away towards the dropship to find somewhere to go to sleep. 

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