Chapter 28

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"If we made it there sooner, we might have been able to prevent it."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. You couldn't have known. We were able to stop him from doing any more damage and you saved 4 lives. You should be proud."

"Maybe. Maybe I should have killed Finn while I had the chance."

"No. His life is a valuable bargaining chip that the Commander will no doubt utilise after hearing about what happened in the village."

"I guess you're right. And I guess that my reputation will now spread as well."

"Indeed, it will. This is a good thing. The more they fear you the less resistance you will face. But what are we to do now?"

"For starters, we are returning to the dropship. That is where I will be staying until after we defeat the mountain."

"There are a few things that I have been meaning to ask about that night."

Stiles sighed. "Ask away."

"Okay firstly, how did you make the Reapers follow your commands?"

"Easy. I told them that I commanded death and they could either follow me or die."

"That simple?"

"Well, no. I managed to tap into a power that was stashed inside what turned me into... him."

"Him?" Anya asked before Stiles stopped and gave her a pointed look.

"I guess you could think of him as a void, my void. A being with a complete lack of emotion. Void Stiles."

"You know what. I think it is best if I don't ask questions about that. But what will we do once we reach the dropship?"

"I wouldn't mind seeing your fighting skills in person. So, perhaps we have a spar. Who knows you might be the person who will finally beat me in a fight?"

"With an attitude like that I will definitely fight with you." They continued talking as they made their way back to the dropship once they arrived Stiles made a sword and gave it to Anya then grabbed the new sword he made, but left it sheathed. They clashed for almost 30 minutes before Anya became tired and they took a break.

"I don't understand why don't you unsheathe the blade?"

"I made the blade to be sharp enough to cut through almost any material."

"I'm going to need proof of that." Stiles sighed again before standing up and walking over to the side of the dropship. He unsheathed the sword and cut a portion of the wall off in a few swings before placing the sword back into its sheath. He turned around and just saw Anya with her mouth open. He couldn't help but laugh.

"You can close your mouth now. But as you saw it is impractical to spar with it and the sheath is strong enough to block sword attacks. Also, the sheath barely unbalances the sword so I can use it either way with ease."

"I am not ashamed to say that you are the superior fighter. No wonder Talia became so good, and I can see why her style changed. I thought she was randomly making her moves but after seeing you, I guess she is trying to imitate your style."

"Well for her it was the most effective way for her to use her sword."

"I agree. Do you think... You could give me some pointers on how I could improve?" Stiles smiled as he saw her for the first time acting almost embarrassed.

"Sure, no problem." Stiles spent the next few hours training Anya with the same stuff he had taught Talia. Of course, he had to change things around considering she wasn't connected with a fox spirit but most of it was the same. Once they had finished, they returned to the cave and turned in for the night. When morning broke Stiles quickly left the cave collected berries as usual and left them for Anya for when she woke up. He made his way to the dropship only to see Bellamy standing in the camp looking up at the dropship.

"Can I help you?" Stiles asked making him jump and turn around to face him.

"Listen, I am sorry about what Finn did yesterday in that village. He thought that they took everyone."

"And I told you that they didn't."

"Yes, you did. You were right. We have a mission and I want your help."

"Let's hear what it is then."

"We are going to Mount Weather. And Octavia and I are to try and find a way in. I don't expect you to work with anyone else only the two of us."

"I will think about it. You should get going before they send out a search party." With that, Bellamy left the camp and walked back into the forest towards Camp Jaha. Stiles just sat there and contemplated what Bellamy had just told him. On one hand, they had just massacred a village and on the other, it was a chance at the Mountain. It was an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. He went back to the cave to see Anya finishing off the last of the berries.

"Let's go. I have a mission and I could use your help." With that, he walked out and she soon followed. They stalked the group of Skaikru from the trees watching their every move. At a certain point, Octavia and Bellamy split off from the rest and moved in a different direction in the forest. A few minutes later 3 guards showed up to drag them back to the group. While they were talking Stiles noticed many bugs running along the ground.

"What the hell?"

"Acid Fog, we have to run." Anya quickly told him. While Bellamy was arguing with the guards Stiles jumped down behind Bellamy.

"Acid Fog. We need cover, now!" Stiles said drawing their attention to him. They quickly did what he said after they saw the yellow mist moving through the forest. Octavia walked off following the bugs, she drew their attention to her when she yelled that she had found something.

"Hey, over here!" Bellamy yelled out making Stiles run over seeing the doorway. He grabbed onto the handle and pulled ripping the door open. Octavia, Bellamy and Scott ran in as Stiles called out to the other guards and Anya.

"Hurry, quick! Get inside!" Anya immediately jumped down and ran in followed by one of the guards but the other one got caught so Stiles closed the door.

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