Chapter 4

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After Talia explained it to him, they parted ways and Stiles turned and walked towards the camp hoping that he could slip in without them noticing. He walked back and saw Clarke with a pack on and with a guy following her, he knew that she was planning on going after Jasper, and considering that he knew where he was it would probably be for the best if he went with them. As Stiles drew nearer, he was starting to hear their conversation clearer.

"You could've been killed." The man said while cleaning Octavia's wound.

"She would've been if Stiles didn't save her." Clarke interrupted turning his attention to her.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" He asked looking up at her making Stiles slightly smirk at the memory of Lydia.

"That would be me," Stiles said making his presence known from behind Clarke.

"Thank you for saving my sister's life." He said holding out his hand which Stiles shook before Octavia looked over and saw that they had packs on.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming too."

"No," Stiles said almost in time with Octavia's brother.

"No way, not again."

"He's right. Your leg's not fully healed so you would just slow us down." Stiles chimed in making her nod in response.

"I'm here for you," Clarke said now looking at the man.

"Clarke what are you doing?" The black man behind her asked.

"I hear you have a gun." He lifts his shirt revealing a side arm tucked into his pants. 'Perfect a decent weapon.'

"Good, follow me," Clarke stated as she started to turn around.

"And why would I do that?" He asked not moving from his place next to his sister.

"Because you want them to follow you. And right now, they're thinking only one of us is scared."

"Murphy. Come with me. Atom. My sister doesn't leave this camp. Is that clear?"

The 2 guys took off following Clarke and the other one while Stiles stayed behind for a moment. He quickly found a scrap piece of metal and grabbed it along with a rock. He walked off following the path left behind by the group while scraping the metal along the rock hoping to sharpen it into a makeshift knife. After a short while, he saw them through the trees standing in a huddle and he knew that if he didn't act soon things would end badly.

"Brave Princess." Octavia's brother said while holding onto Clarke's wrist.

"You call this a rescue party? You've got to split up to cover more ground. Clarke come with me." Stiles states making his presence known while walking forward and removing Bellamy's hold on Clarke's wrist.

"Wondered where you disappeared off to," Clarke said looking over at the boy.

"I was getting prepared," Stiles replied while slightly holding up the makeshift knife.

"If you weren't there things could have ended badly." She told him honestly.

"Why do you think I stepped in?" Stiles replied looking forward out into the forest.

They continued walking looking around until Clarke broke the silence.

"I've been thinking about Mount Weather. How come they didn't attack until Jasper crossed the river? It's not like we were being quiet, and they didn't know we were there."

"Umm... What if the river is like a boundary?" Stiles replied knowing full well why they attacked when they did.

"That would mean that Mount Weather is off limits. How are we going to get those supplies? I mean, what are we going to do for food?" Clarke asked having stopped and turned to face him.

"We'll hunt, there are animals about so we can hunt and eat them. Also, there is an assortment of berries in the forest that can be eaten. Just because we don't have those supplies doesn't mean that we will die." Stiles replied having had to have stopped and turned around to answer her.

"Sounds like someone knows what they are talking about."

"Hang on, look there. Blood" Stiles interrupted her diverting her attention over to the riverbank.

"Jasper?" Clarke asked as Stiles picked up the pair of Goggles that Jasper was wearing.

"Yeah," Stiles replied grimly

"We should get the others," Clarke said as Stiles crouched down and touched the blood.

"It's fresh, we're close," Abyss told Stiles who in turn relayed the information to Clarke. After they regrouped with the others, they continued down the river

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy asks as the group continues down the river.

"We don't. The hero and Spacewalker think their trackers." Octavia's brother replies.

"It's called cutting sign. Fourth-year Earth skills. They're good." The black man explains.

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Spacewalker asks as he and Stiles crouch down to inspect a spot of blood. After a few moments of inspecting the blood on the ground, a loud groan could be heard in the distance.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy asks as they all look into the forest in the direction of the noise.

"Now would be a good time to take out that gun," Clarke tells Bellamy as Stiles and Spacewalker lead the group through the forest toward Jasper.

As they got closer, they found Jasper tied up in a tree groaning in pain. 'Jesus, they sure did a number on him.' As they moved closer Stiles noticed the floor about to give out and instinctively reached out for Clarke's wrist and pulled her back before the ground gave out revealing a pit of spikes.

"We need to get him down," Clarke says turning her attention back to Jasper.

"I'll climb up and cut the vines," Stiles says as he starts toward the tree.

"Yeah, I'm with you." The black man says before stiles cut him off.

"No, stay with Clarke. And watch them. You let's go." Stiles says to Finn who nods and moves toward the tree as well.

They start to cut him down when they hear a low growling coming from deeper in the forest.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy asks looking around into the forest.

"Grounders?" Bellamy asks while doing the same.

"No, it was an animal. Probably a panther or something, get your gun ready." Stiles says while still using his knife to cut the vines holding Jasper up. At that moment it started charging at them Bellamy reached around to his back to go for his gun only to find that it was not there. The sound of gunshots echoed as Wells began firing bullet after bullet toward the Panther. First shot: Missed, second shot: Hit its back leg, third shot: Missed, fourth shot: Missed.

"Good lord you are pathetic," Stiles said before taking his knife and throwing it into the tall grass immediately being followed by the final groan of the panther as it dies.

"Nice throw." The black man states looking up at Stiles.

"It's not like you were doing anything aside from wasting ammo." Stiles shrugged before jumping down and retrieving his knife, slicing the panther's neck to let it bleed.

Stiles and Spacewalker carried Jasper back as Octavia's brother and Murphy carried the panther. Not much was said on the way back as it was starting to get dark, but Stiles was still able to provide them with directions. They got back to camp, and Clarke began ordering people to get her stuff so that she could heal Jasper. Stiles walked off to a safer distance and watched as Octavia's bother, who he now knew to be called Bellamy, began starting to make people take off their wristbands just to get food. Stiles scoffed at what he saw but didn't get involved, he saw Spacewalker, named Finn, and Clarke come out and say something before taking some food and walking off. But when someone else tried to do the same Bellamy punched them in the face. 'Dick'.

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