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In the locker room, Stiles slams Jackson's locker door closed.

"You want me to take her to the formal?" He asks.

"I don't want you to, I need you to." Scott answers.

Jackson pauses and glances at the three boys in front of him.

"Screw you. You know what? Screw you too, and you. In fact, screw each other." He says, pointing at them.

"Hey, you know we saved your life, right?"

"He left me for dead."

"I got shot for you." Scott defends. "Oh, yeah? Show me the bullet wound." Jackson scoffs.

Scott sighs.

"You know it healed."

"Mm, convenient."

"Just do it for Allison, okay? She's in serious danger—I'm talking around-the-clock danger! She needs someone to keep an eye on her at the dance."

"Just have her dad do it, okay? He's the one actually equipped to handle this. Or Sage? He is her brother! And he's a coyote!"

"Half-brother." The werecoyote corrects.

"How am I supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about me?"

"Not my problem." Jackson replies. He starts to leave but Scott blocks his path by slamming his hand on his locker. "You're her friend too. You are."

"All that time that you spent with her to get to me—you can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like her. It's Allison, it's impossible not to like her."

"Speak for yourself." Sage mutters. Scott glares at him and then goes back to talking to Jackson.

"You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt."

"What if I get hurt?"

"Then it's worth it."

"Not to me." Jackson says, pushing past Stiles and Scott. He leaves the locker room and Sage rolls his eyes.

"God, you're so fucking pussy-whipped. Get ahold of yourself, McCall." He scoffs.

Scott glares at him. "What would you know?! You've never had a girlfriend! Let alone friends!"

Sage growls and unknowingly, flashes his steel blue eyes. "I'm aromantic, and I have had friends. I had one, actually. They were my favorite person, my best friend." He says before inhaling a deep breath.

Stiles looks at him sadly when he leaves the locker room and nudges Scott. "I know, that was mean."

Underneath the Hale house, Kate holds her phone to her ear and sighs in annoyance.

"Hey, it's me. I'm getting tired of leaving messages, I wanna know where you are. Call me, now." Dahlia looks down angrily at the sound of Chris's voice.

"Unfortunately, if you two aren't gonna talk, I'm just gonna have to kill you. So, say hi to your sisters for me." She says, putting her hand on the power supply switch.

"You did tell them about us, didn't you?"

"The truth about the fire? Or did you?" She gasps, standing in front of the two Hales. "Did you tell anybody?" She asks in a whisper.

"Oh,gorgeous..that's just a lot of guilt to keep buried. It's not all your fault, you got tricked by a pretty face." She laughs, holding Dahlia's chin.

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