Chapter 1

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The tender sound of the numerous congratulatory claps was still faintly embedded in her ears as she looked outside the window of the moving carriage, staring aimlessly at the vast view.

The woman dressed in the expensive white gown kept swallowing the empty lump in her throat, as though trying to ease herself from the awkward burden that befell her.




The rattling sounds of the wheels of the lavish carriage filled the silence between the two people inside, who sat quietly the entire time after leaving the ceremony, yet to speak even a single word to each other.


'How do I start a conversation with him...'

The woman profusely fiddled with her hand as she kept her eyes outside the carriage window, quietly nibbling her bottom lip as she put up with her composure, being in the intimidating presence of her new husband.

'I tried to speak to him earlier... but each time I tried, people would chime in to give their congratulations.'

In truth, she was looking forward to getting to know her husband. She wanted to talk to him and get to know him, but the look that he gave her upon their first meeting quickly warded her off.

'Although today is our first time meeting... Isn't he a bit too cold?'

The woman inwardly sighed to herself, swallowing another breath. The most she could do was steal glances at her husband through the corner of her eyes.

'Perhaps it is because of the significant difference of our status that he views me so lowly...'

'Yet still... I surely was not expecting him to be so good-looking, even more than the rumors exaggerated.' Came her relieved thought.

She, who hadn't even debuted in the noble society despite her age, was left behind the noble society.

She knew not a single nobleman nor noblewoman in the high society as she had never attended any gatherings since she was young. And though she was also a noble, her status was close to that of a commoner.

A noblewoman without any power or status but has riches, who was lucky enough to have married a man with a high status and enormous wealth, the Marquis Elvoye.

'In the first place...' Her eyes stealthily moved back to the window.

'He offered to give my family a proper noble title. And I, who was also in need of a husband, hastily agreed to his proposal without even meeting him first.'

'A marriage without any prior meeting...'

'How funny.'

Being in a trance as she stared aimlessly outside, she inevitably failed to notice the gaze of her husband that bore onto the side of her head.

Amidst resting his hand on the other side, his calloused finger quietly tapped the glass of the window, all while observing the fair and beautiful woman in front of him.

'She's enough to fit as my wife.'

The woman sat back in her seat, finally turning her head away from the window as she passed through the gates of his castle.

'I suppose... this marriage is somewhat beneficial for the both of us-' Amidst her sentence, she paused, stiffened as she locked eyes with a pair of mesmerizing amber green eyes, belonging to those of her husband's.

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now