Chapter 4

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"The madam is here."

"What?" Leon stared at his attendant, Cedric, with a look of bewilderment, with confusion evident on his face. At that moment, he couldn't find the right words to say, troubled.

"What is your wife doing here?" Asked one of his subordinates.

"Ha! Maybe she came to fetch Leon."

Cedric quietly swallowed the lump stuck in his throat as he took a step forward, reluctantly bending down to whisper into his master's ears.

"The madam went to the lounge below, looking for a gigolo..."

"What did you say?" Leon, who was practically forced to be where he was, immediately rose from his seat, startling those around him.

"The madam.... is currently being tended by the brothel owner in search of a gigolo." Cedric hesitantly trailed.

"Did Cordelia just arrive?" Leon impatiently asked, looking more anxious than normal.

"Yes, only just a moment ago, master. I came to find you as soon as we arrived here."

He looked at his attendant with his jaw clenching. His face was plastered with a cold expression. At that moment, something had gotten into Leon, for he ought to make sure that she wouldn't spend a night with another man.

"Where is she now?"

"My lord?"

"Where is she?" Leon repeated, merely frowning in disbelief as he ran his hand through his soft brown locks, frustrated.

"At the lounge below..." Cedric answered.

And as soon as he did, Leon walked past him and made his way outside the door, walking through the dark corridor in a hurry.

MEMORIES from earlier flashed before his eyes as he buried his face deeper into his hands.

'What was I thinking going to her and pretending to be a gigolo..?' He thought repeatedly.

"Haa... really..." He frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair, perplexed by the unwavering feeling.

"It's not like me to meddle this much with others." Muttered Leon, who was sitting on the edge of the large bed, inside a room in the large brothel.

'But she is my wife.'

Aside from acting out in spite amid the moment, he had no idea what had gotten into him to pretend and deceive Cordelia.

Leon thought that he made such a foolish decision. The second he was informed by his attendant that his wife was in the same building as him, seeking a gigolo, something in him became so greatly distraught that he made decisions and initiated such actions without even thinking.

'No.' He shook his head.

'I only did that to protect the image of my marriage.' He thought.



His head immediately turned toward the door, where the quiet knocking sounds came from.

"It is me, master." Said the familiar voice, his attendant, Cedric.

He released a sigh in relief, relieved that it was not Cordelia, that he felt worrisome to have come back.

"Come in." He answered.

Cedric came in and entered the room in an instant, as though impatient.

"My lord...." He greeted Leon.

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