Chapter 25

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"Pfftt—!" A loud amused laugh left her red-colored lips as her amber eyes narrowed down the messenger on the gate, handing more letters to the knight on guard.

She watched closely from the garden and couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, your suitors are brave." Dahlia spoke, laughing in the midst of it.

Cordelia's close friends had decided to drop by after hearing the word spread and so-called news. In the midst of the afternoon, they stayed under the tall acacia tree. Under its shade, they immersed themselves in tea and stories.

"Well is it true?" Morgana intervened. "Are you really going to divorce your husband?"

Cordelia's face distorted into a frown finding it hard to speak. "Even you know about that..?" She choked out.

"It's the talk of the entire capital, Delia."

"Even the commoners know."

"Words do spread fast."

Cordelia swayed a dejected sigh. So as it seems, the situation was far more serious than she initially thought. In distress, she held the bridge of her nose, not knowing what to do.

"How many proposals have you received by now?"

Cordelia almost choked on her warm chamomile tea. "What..?"

"That must not only be the proposal you've received. So how many are there?"

She blinked her eyes as she could not recall a number. "I don't know." She said. "Probably around seven?"

This time, it was Dahlia and Morgana who almost choked on their tea.

"Gracious!" They spoke in disbelief.

"That's a lot, Delle!"

"You must be popular among the aristocrats." Cheered Morgana.

"Well, she is!" Dahlia intervened. "She has attended many charity balls, of course, she would be popular."

"-Well known for her beauty and kind-heartedness, and her excellent donations of course," Dahlia spoke proudly with a dazzling silhouette.

But on the other hand, Cordelia couldn't grasp what was said. "Since when did such a thing happen?" She softly frowned, for she could not recall a thing like that.

"I think you're just making fun of me." She grumbled.

Dahlia let out a horrified gasp. "Of course not!" She spoke determinedly as she settled her saucer on the table.

"My clients that come often, which are nobles, would mention your name at least once. And that is what they would say."

"Ah, come to think of it." Morgana smiled. "While I was on my way to the capital, and on my way to your estate, I happened to hear quite many praises followed by your name from time to time."

"The Marchioness Elvoye gave another donation to the poor. Such a kindhearted woman she is, and a beauty. Those praises are the same as Dahlia said earlier."

Cordelia really wasn't able to fathom such a thing. Because for one, not a word of that reached her ears.

A blatant stare was left of her. "Those donations were from Leon. I gave it on his behalf since he was busy in the palace. I am not deserving of such praises for he is the one that should be praised, not me."

"I do not intend to take credit for my husband's work. Then that makes the words around the capital void, for they are far from the truth."


Silence briefly remained, until Dahlia spoke and pointed out. "Well, but you are still kind." She said.


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