Chapter 11

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Leon's expression grew serious as he suddenly pushed Cordelia back to her seat, with his index finger over his mouth. "Hush, be quiet." He said, his eyes not on him. Rather, his eyes were far and beyond, cautiously watching outside the window. 

Cordelia silently sank into her seat, her brows gently rose in confusion for Leon was suddenly acting so strangely.

And just a mere moment passed by, the carriage suddenly took off as the horses suddenly began to run faster.

'What is happening..?' Was what came to Cordelia's mind.

She wanted to ask Leon what was going on, but seeing his motion to keep quiet made her remember that she should follow as he said.

Leon on the other hand, began to reach for his sword. His sharp eyes watched the moving dark silhouette among the trees that was keeping in pace with the carriage.

"Stay back." He told her, his cautious gaze watching outside the window.

"Faster, Ben," Leon spoke to the coachman. And at his words, the carriage began to move faster.

Leon gripped his sword, ready for combat. "Someone is tailing us."

"Should I go faster, master?" The coachman loudly asked, keeping his grip tight on the reigns of the horses.

"Yes. As fast as the horses could go."

Cordelia tightly belted the edge of her seat as she remained seated back, just as Leon had ordered her to do so.

A loud crash filtered through her ears as she abruptly fell backward onto the other side of the carriage. Loud neighs of horses followed the quiet night as the carriage broke down.

Cordelia's heart clenched in worry and fear. Yet catching a glimpse of the coachman that was thrown a few meters away didn't help her at all.

"Stay inside." Was all that Leon said to her before exiting the carriage. Yet a sword came immediately for his neck.


His hands wielded his sword just in time to block the attack. The man dressed in a dark cloak withdrew his sword, swinging it back to Leon for a second time.




One after another, Leon had managed to block all the swings. Yet Cordelia could only press her back on the carriage as much as she could while watching her husband fight the cloaked man.

She didn't know what else to do, frozen in place as she was.

With one last blow, Leon had his sword pressed against the man's neck. "Speak." He said.

"Who sent you here?"


Leon could only feel the glare of the man as he chose to remain silent. He had no choice but to press the sword more onto the man's neck.

This time, Leon's voice sounded cold with authority that it gave Cordelia shivers."Who sent you to attack us?" His eyes mercilessly glared at the man beneath him.

Instead, the man kept silent as his eyes moved behind Leon.


Another man dressed in a dark cloak appeared, who then swung his sword onto Leon's side. But before the blade could brush against his skin, he managed to block the attack.

It was now a fight between two against one another. And Leon knew he had to do something sooner before the number of assassins grew greater.

'They hadn't noticed her yet, did they?' His eyes briefly traveled toward Cordelia's direction, but his eyes didn't linger on her for far too long. Because if he did look at her longer, the assassins might notice her presence.

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