Chapter 7

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He'll believe you this time...

'I think what he said was untrue.' Came her sudden thought, recalling the words of the gigolo.

'Because Leon can't believe me. And seeing that he has been looking at me with a glare, confirms that his disliking towards me is very present.'

She swallowed a nervous breath. She could not lift her head and meet his eyes.

'Goodness, I can't even lift my head to meet his eyes.' Cordelia continued to keep her head down to her plate, as she took the spoon of soup into her mouth.

She felt as though he would dislike her more if she were to glance at him. But really, the silence and the intimidating presence of her husband did no help. Cordelia felt more intimidated, feeling his burning eyes on her head.

'I cannot do this.' She thought, heaving a quiet sigh.

'I can't even get a word out, what a joke.'

'I really should not try to even speak of him about the truth with Vivian. It won't change anything anyway.'

'He'll surely side with her and not believe me like he always does.'

In the end, Cordelia chose to stay silent. Truly, she wanted to open the conversation with her husband, however, he only quietly ate his meal.

'Gracious,' He unknowingly muttered under his breath, out of frustration. His brows carefully began to knit, furrowing together.

'Why is she not speaking?' He lightly frowned upon his wife, who hadn't even looked his way since the start of their meal.

'This woman... She's not even meeting my eyes.'

Leon, who sat on the other end of the table in front of her, had been looking at her from time to time now, waiting for her to engage in a conversation. Rather, to speak about what she told him in the red house.

But instead of feeling eased to speak about it, his constant glances intimidated his wife instead. As it seems, he had unintentionally made her nervous despite wanting to only dissolve their misunderstandings.

'Gosh.' Came her thought, her heart subconsciously racing so unevenly. Cordelia felt nervous at the tense atmosphere between them. His silence was not helping at all.

'He's glaring my way, I cannot even begin to lift my head and look at him in the eye...'

His constant innocent glances felt like a cold piercing glare. It made her wonder whether his woman had spoken badly of her yet again for him to look at her so coldly. And she could only sigh inside.

'Perhaps... He's angry because I went to visit the brothel..?'

Leon, who had been waiting for her to speak, and was looking forward to listening to her truth, sighed in defeat as he noticed her surrendering expression. She was reluctant and he knew it.

"Hah." He heaved a frustrated breath. He had been waiting since they began their dinner, and yet it seems like she does not have any intentions in doing so, to begin a conversation with him.

'This woman hasn't even looked at me.'

Leon himself had thought of opening up a conversation regarding the matters she told him, while he was disguised as a gigolo in the brothel. But in the end, he chose to wait for her to speak first instead, not knowing how to begin a conversation himself.

'Our meal is almost finished, and yet she keeps avoiding my eyes. It's as if-' He soon realized that they were both just waiting for the other to engage.

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now