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This is the end of Cordelia and Leon's story


Thank you soo much for reading His Beloved Cordelia, dears. Silent readers or not, I appreciate all of you.

All your comments always made my day! I may not be able to reply to all of your comments, but do know that I always read them. I've even memorized many of you that always voted and commented the moment I published a new chapter! That's why I would often update earlier than my set schedule. <3

( ̄3 ̄)



I have successfully finished the first book of this series, which is Cordelia's story. What's left to do is to edit the entire book, because as you may have noticed, there were quite a handful of errors in terms of words and grammar, to which I want to apologize.


I am happy that many of you have commented and mentioned about how excited you are to read the next story of this series. Since Cordelia and Leon's story has ended, I am moving on to the next book of this series, which is Dahlia's love story. However, because of educational matters, I do not have enough time to write as much as before. Therefore, I am thinking of writing Dahlia's story in drafts and publishing it only when it is completed, which would take a long time.


Thank you so much for the support and thank you very much for accompanying me on my journey throughout the story.

Until next time, my dear readers!

wishing you a day filled with happiness

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now