Chapter 24

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The words that left Leon's lips immediately caught her attention.

"Really?" Cordelia blinked. "You... used to come here?" She asked.

Numerous thoughts filled her mind. Possibilities and rationalities clouded her thinking.

'Could he possibly be that boy..?' She pondered. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought.

Cordelia found it ironic that she had just dreamed of that boy earlier in the morning, and now, the thought and memory of that boy is resurfacing yet again.

Cordelia was not so sure, for the memory of that boy was vague and cloudy. All she remembered was that she used to meet him where they were. She used to play with him, tell stories with him, and comfort him.

Other than those memories that were left, his voice, face, and even the stories the boy shared had faded long ago from her memories. After all, it was a memory from more than a decade ago. She couldn't possibly recall all of it as clearly after that long.

Cordelia shook her head as she stared at the man before her, her husband. 'He probably isn't.'

One thing is for sure though. A memory that she knew was accurate. How they met and how they stopped meeting.

'Perhaps I should refrain from making assumptions.' Came her thought.

"This place is very close to one of my mother's vacation houses." Leon spoke, breaking the silence.

"And you? Why don't you share your story of this place?"

"Ah..." Cordelia felt her throat dry. "Well... When I was a child, I used to come here whenever I was bored."

"During spring, the meadow looked bright because of the many colorful flowers in bloom." She said.

"I used to roll around the field all afternoon and come home with dirtied clothes." A small laugh left her lips. "It was like that almost every day."

"But one day, I found a boy crying behind the trees."

Leon stiffened. Right then, he wanted to confirm his thoughts. Yet he grew more curious, wanting to get an answer from her. He couldn't help but ask. "And?"

"I asked why he was crying and found out that his mother had passed."

Leon heaved a heavy breath, finally getting the confirmation he was longing for.

"I remember comforting that boy. And long after that, he frequently came here and we played almost every day." Words left her lips S she recalled that day.

"Do you remember his name?"

Cordelia shook her head. "It's funny because he never told me."

"Then what did you think of that boy?" Leon was eager to know more.

She heaved a reluctant sigh. 'What did I think of that boy..?' She wondered, trying to recall the past.

So much had happened in her life that the memory of that boy has been buried deeply in her memories. Only shards of the memories with him could she recall.

"Ah, I remember." She muttered. "I thought at first that he was pitiful because he wept occasionally on the first few weeks we met here. But as I got to know him, I realized that I shouldn't pity him for he was strong enough to get himself together."

"Did you like him?" Another question left his lips.

Cordelia paused but gave an answer despite being hesitant. "....I did."

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