Chapter 26

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'The only person that I said that to...'

'Was the gigolo from the Moon House.'

The longer time passed by, the more Cordelia's thoughts gradually became a mess, overthinking the possibilities.

'Perhaps...' She trailed. 'Did that gigolo tell Leon?"

Heaving another heavy breath, Cordelia couldn't stop her pondering. 'Or was it the brothel owner..?'

"Hah." She sighed, tightly closing her eyes.

'How much did Leon know of my visits to the gigolo?'


'How much did he tell Leon?'

Though her mind was all over the place, a mess even, she still remained calm and quiet on the outside.

Cordelia gently clutched her cloak as she raised her head to look outside the window of the moving carriage.


The rattling carriage passed by the familiar buildings, on the way to the brothel. As the carriage grew near, her heart also became more anxious.

Soon, the carriage stopped in front of a familiar building.

"We are here, madam." The footman spoke.

Cordelia swallowed a deep breath before going out of the carriage. Her heart had never been in such a frenzy before, and so were her hands that was beginning to tremble.

Finally met with the familiar entrance, Cordelia was reluctant to even take a single step inside. But after all, she knew that her dilly-dallying would get her nowhere.


A faint sound of her tread briefly brushed her ears as she took a step. Very soon, she found herself inside, greeted by the familiar woman whose back was facing her. As it seems, they haven't noticed that someone entered.

Cordelia had one thing in mind. 'I should ask... if Leon spoke with that gigolo.'

'Or perhaps—'

"Goodness, I really can't believe what runs in the minds of high nobles." The owner muttered.

"They must have a lot of money to have nothing to do! Not only Count Hawthorne, but Marquis Elvoye as well."

As Cordelia was about to take another step, she quickly halted in the midst of setting her foot on the floor upon hearing the mention of her husband.

"Count Hawthorne has a weird taste for he only requests courtesans with long red hair and amber eyes. Do you know how many of our courtesans dyed their hair red just to have the opportunity to serve him?"

"And the Marquis Elvoye... He comes here in advance before his wife, and he pretends to be the gigolo that serves her."

Cordelia's heart sank.

"What did you say, madam..?"

Her eyes quickly saw how the shoulders of the brothel owner, whose back was facing her, tensed.

"O-Oh..!" The lady stuttered, slowly turning around to face Cordelia. The owner's face was like an open book. Her eyes were wide open in surprise, averting away and shaking as though panicked. The lady was frozen.

"Do tell what you just said, madam." Cordelia spoke with a faint smile. A fake smile that she forced.

"T-That..." The lady let out an awkward laugh. "Marchioness Elvoye, you must have misheard."

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now