Chapter 19

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"Ngh..!" The subtle sound that came from Cordelia's lips prickled Leon's ears as his hands slid down her ruffled and unkempt skirt. Her soft pale thighs gently trembled under his fingers that carefully slid inside her skirt.

"Spread your legs." His low whisper rang in her ears. With pure silence around them, Cordelia could only focus on what he said and carefully spread her legs.

"That's right." He smiled. "Very good."

"Ah—!" A moan abruptly escaped from her lips,  softly flinching upon feeling his fingers run through her wet mounds, all while gently rubbing her clitoris.

"You're wet." His breath brushed her ears before looking back at her. A small smirk was etched on his lips. "You must be quite excited, looking forward to this."

Cordelia's face immediately warmed up, reddening lightly at what he said. "T-That's not— Ngh!"

Cordelia tightly held the edge of his table as he made its way inside her, quickly being engulfed by her warmth.

"You're even more wet inside."



At each moan she heaved, Leon continuously played with her insides as he moved his fingers, ramming them onto her at a genuine pace.

Soft hands tightly gripped his shoulders, making him move his fingers even faster.




Though all that time Cordelia hadn't looked at him directly and only kept her eyes on his chest, Leon's eyes had never left her face. All the expressions that were etched and replaced on her angelic face, he saw.

The lewd expression she wore and the lewd sounds she made were certainly not of help to ease his aching desire. His hard member was hard and painfully throbbing since earlier because of her, but he held himself back afraid that he could possibly tire her out.

'She just got better.'

'She just got better.' He thought repeatedly.

'So I must control myself.'

"Nghh..!" Another moan left Cordelia's rosy lips, which only made Leon groan painfully.

'She's really testing me.' He huffed softly before entering another finger inside her, going rougher.

'If I don't hold myself back, I might go on and wouldn't be able to stop. I'll only exhaust her.'

Tingles spread through Cordelia's thighs as pleasure began to wrap around her body, slowly succumbing to the unbearable pleasure.

She was slowly succumbing to him who hovered on top of her, his hand on the desk right beside her lips and his lips nearly pressing into hers.

Her back slowly arched as tingles began to run down her spine. She could feel it, the blood rushing through her body. But as Leon began to notice her thighs trembling, he soon pulled his fingers out of her. The look of yearning quickly washed through Cordelia's face, as if begging him for more just like what he wanted.

It was what he intended. 'I want to see her beg.' Thought Leon. His burning gaze was full of lust and desire, and even the heat began building up inside him.

He wanted to do things to her.

Many things he could have done, but he didn't. He held himself back knowing that she didn't have much strength to withstand his stamina.

His Beloved Cordelia |18+ (His Beloved Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now