1: Fly Freak

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October 15th 1980
Summer School

Henry POV
"Ew! Those flies are disgusting!", The girl sitting behind me shrieked. Her voice is incredibly annoying, it sounds like a dying chipmunk. "They're dead of course they're disgusting", Another quiet voice spoke. I recognised that one, he's known as the fly freak. Not that special really, it's only because he kills flies any chance he gets, stuffs them in his pencil case and shows other students. It may sound disgusting for a 7 year old to be doing that but in reality it's just known as unusual. "Miss! Patrick killed another fly again!", The girl complained earning multiple groans and "ewww" across the room. The teacher sighed and looked over at Patrick causing some people to look at the boy. "Patrick, you must stop or I'll have to call your parents", In response, Patrick looked down at the floor and the teacher resumed whatever she was doing.

Patrick was either known as 'fly-freak', 'loner' or 'quiet kid'. He had no friends, never spoke to anyone in a particularly nice way and he always goes to the hospital. No one knows why and no one wants to know why. His baby brother died 2 years ago and no one knows how. The doctors said it was an accident and it was diagnosed as 'crib-death' but it clearly wasn't. Patrick didn't seem that bothered by his brothers dead and pretended that he never existed. After that he was always taken to hospitals and stuff. I was taken out of my thoughts when the teacher let us go to have a break outside. I passed her my sheet of paper which had nothing written on it which must've been expected of me considering she didn't say anything about it.

I finally managed to force my way outside ignoring the other people pushing and crowding. I made my way to the shelter since it looked like it was about to rain and I saw some kid teasing another kid. "You're such a freak! No wonder you haven't got any friends!", The shorter boy yelled at the taller boy. I looked closer and saw it was Patrick being picked on. "Hey! Stop being a douche!", I argued at the bully acting as if I haven't hit and punched other children on a daily basis. Patrick had the same blank expression on his face, he never cared if he was hurt or bullied. "Uh... I'm sorry! Sorry Patrick!", The boy looked frightened and ran away.

"Thanks", Patrick smiled ever so slightly. I nodded and smiled back.

"That's okay, you're the fly freak right?", I asked although I already knew his actual name.

"It's Patrick actually", He crossed his arms and smiled forcefully. He was also known as 'smiler' because apparently he had an ugly smile. I don't think so.

"Nah I'm gonna stick with fly freak"

"You seem cool. Wanna be friends?", I offered. He looked quite shocked but also happy. "Sure", He accepted pushing his medium length hair back. I patted him on the back and we went off to do our own thing. Which was to skip class and draw on the boys toilets wall.

"So you've really never had any friends?", I asked throwing wet tissue onto the ceiling. I'm 7 almost 8 what else am I supposed to do in summer school? "No. I was always seen as a weirdo or creep for obvious reasons", He answered seeming like he didn't care. Which he probably didn't. "Fun" "Not really, since no one liked me they always told lies about me to the teacher and I'd get detention 24/7, that's why I have to go here", He explained to me punching the mirrors near the sinks. "That's not gonna work", I chuckled at his attempts. "Henry I know you beat up people all the time but I really do think I'm stronger then you. See this'll break soon", He protested then pointing to the mirror. It was cracked a little bit. "Alright then Hockstetter. You are kinda strong I guess", I smiled at him.

And that's how my friendship with Patrick Hockstetter began

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