11(alternative ending)

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Up until the 8th paragraph everything is the same!

9th June 1989(same day)
Victor POV
"Fucking finally", I sighed walking out of Maths. Henry was walking down the hallway after not coming back to class. "Hey! Henry!", Belch called out. He turned around then we noticed he has tear tracks streaming down his cheeks. "Henry..?", I mumbled walking over to him. "What's happened to Patrick?", He furrowed his eyebrows and ignored the fact he was visibly crying. "Um.. we don't know. The reporters haven't told anyone a single thing", Belch replied scratching the back of his neck. Henry was dissatisfied with the answer and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, let's go", He scoffed then started leading us out of the building.

Halfway through the drive we noticed a rather peculiar poster the same female reporter from earlier was placing on a lamppost. All we managed to read was "MISSING".

"Damm who's missing? Vic you go", Belch chuckled bobbing his head to the music. "I think that bitch from English. Y'know, Sidney?", I laughed resting my legs on the top of Belch's seat. "Haha! Yeah. What about you Henry?", He asked lowing down the volume. There was a small silence before Henry spoke.


No one made a sound. The only thing you could hear was 'Billie Jean' playing. "What..?", I muttered straightening myself into a more sensible posture. "It only makes sense! All those stupid fucking questions they were asking us about him adds up now! Patrick's missing", He choked out holding back violent sobs. "Henry! I'm sure he's fine. We can go back and check if you want?", I offered.

"Take me to the barrens", Henry demanded. "Sure but me and Vic ain't going there", Belch shrugged then continued to hum 'Billie Jean is not my loverrr'.
We arrived at the barrens and as soon as the car stopped Henry leaped out of the car. "Good luck! Don't let the clown get yah", I joked. There was a rumour about a Killer Clown hiding in the barrens that spread around faster than flash. "Ah shit, my tires are gonna get cut from these stupid fucking rocks", Belch groaned.

Henry POV
I took a deep sigh and looked at the inside of the barrens. This is for Patrick. I took a step inside and groaned in disgust. "Patrick..?", I echoed through the 'tunnel'. I sighed again and began walking through searching for Patrick. "Patrick?!", I yelled more desperate this time. Where is he..
If you saw me you'd think I was a mad man but in reality, I'm just trying to look for my best friend! Maybe crush. I don't know! My shaky breaths echoed through the slimy walls. I started to give up until I felt my foot connect with another foot. "Henry..?!", A familiar voice bellowed. Patrick!

"Patrick you fucker! Why are you down here?!", I yelled out in anger. "Reasons! Now can you please get me out?!", He grunted out in impatience. I nodded then put my arm around him and helped him limp out. I let go of him and he fell to the ground. His body was covered in bruises and cuts, even bite marks. "Holy shit what happened to you?!", I asked not hiding the fact I was highly concerned. "Clown. It's real! I mean - not me real but it's not a hoax!", He quickly spoke trying to catch his breath. "Oh my god.. I'm so glad you're okay", I sighed examining the area incase I could tell anyone Patrick's safe. "Shit", I mumbled. Patrick turned his eyes at the direction of the hospital. "I don't need to go to the hospital if you're wondering. None of this hurts", He forcefully grunted attempting to get up. "It might not hurt but you're definitely hurt - bad", I added onto his protest and helped him up. "We're going to the hospital whether you like it or not", I commanded dragging him down the hill and to the hospital.

1h later

Henry POV
I was waiting impatiently sitting on an uncomfortable bouncing my leg up and down. "I'm here!", A males voice exclaimed. "Oh! Henry!", The male spoke again. I glanced at the man and saw it was Patrick's father. He pulled me into a tight hug repeating 'thank you' over and over again. "It's ok. Where's Zoey?", I questioned slightly concerned that Patrick's own mother was bothered to show up to see him. "Uh.. she refused to come as she's hallucinating Avery and insisting that Patrick doesn't exist", He disappointingly muttered scratching the back of his neck. Bitch.

"Hi! Are you Patrick's guardian or parent?", A nurse interrupted pushing her long hair back, "yes, hi", Luther shook her hand and crossed his arms shortly after. "Just a quick update. He's in his room which is up one floor. He's allowed one visitor currently as he's resting. Which one of you would like to see him?", She asked smiling softly. I began to leave as I thought Luther would want to see his son when he stopped me. "Henry! Wait. You found him so I believe you should see him first! I assume I need to fill out some sheets of paper to confirm some shit anyway", He offered. I furrowed my eyebrows but nodded anyway.

I waved to the nurse and Luther then started to make my way upstairs.
I found his room eventually and knocked on the already open door. "Henry! Hey", Patrick sat up from lying down lazily. "Hi..", I smiled at the sight of him. Not at the bruises and cuts but just at the thought he's ok. "Look, I'm sorry about everything that happened. I didn't know what to say in the moment because I was so shocked and scared but what I really wanted to say was that I love you and I don't want to lose you", I rambled on to him not realising that I'd already sat down next to him. I felt a weight lift off of me after saying those words. Patrick's blank expression transformed into a wide grin and he leaned in then kissed him.

It felt like heaven to be honest. I wasn't scared of being caught or being discriminated. All I could focus on was the moment that was commencing. We soon pulled away and locked eyes.
"I love you Henry Bowers"
"I love you too Patrick Hockstetter"

The end

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