4: Tormenting kids&Walking home

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July 20th 1985

Henry POV
"Finally, schools over", Patrick hugged himself and smiled. I think he's forgetting that we're all getting held back a year? "We're getting held back a year, where's the fun in that?", Victor complained jumping onto a bin. "We just skip class like we'd usually do, torment children, wait until we're 18 then we can't go to school anymore, simple", Patrick said with a blank expression then began to look out for kids to bully. God he's stupid. "I'm not that stupid!", I heard a voice protest next to me. "Did i say that aloud?", I muttered furrowing my eyebrows. "Nah, best friend telepathy", Patrick replied while using one finger to knock his head. I rolled my eyes then we finally spotted the losers. "Hey look! It's the fags!", I yelled out causing all 4 of them to look over to us. Four eyes was about to yell back something when Bill covered his mouth but Tozier smacked his hand away. "So what are you and Hockstetter then?!", He called out. What. The. FUCK?

My gang and I exchanged looks then began chasing after them. "Richie!", Eddie whisper yelled to the other running boy. We managed to keep up with them and we pushed them over resulting them in grazing their hands and knees. "Fuck!", Curly hair shouted out attempting to brush off the blood on his knees. Belch grabbed two of them, Victor got a hold of Eddie and I got Four eyes. I held my switchblade up to his throat then watched as Patrick psychotically grinned then got out his lighter and hairspray. "Repeat what you said fairy", I grunted as he tried to squirm out of my grip but I was to strong obviously. He didn't say a word but instead spat on Patrick's shoes. "I'm gonna fucking kill you, Tozier", Patrick locked eyes with Richie and his psychotic face turned into a serious one. He gripped onto Richie's wrist then held it up and sprayed his 'flamethrower' onto it making Tozier's hand severely burnt. He screamed in pain and I watched as the other 3 started to yell for us to stop. "Friendly reminder, don't call refer to us as fags again", I smiled at the boy who was crying in agony. He nodded quickly then we let him go but seems that Patrick wasn't finished. "This is for your fairy boyfriend", He sneered at Richie then walked over to the struggling Eddie who was still in Vic's grip. Patrick punched Eddie in the nose then spat on his face before saying "Don't eat it all at once if you don't want. Save some for later if you want".

We all let the boys go before walking away laughing like mad people - which we are probably. In the distant you could hear 3 boys comforting the 4th. "If my dad finds out he's gonna skin me!", I laughed out, but the thought of it made me psychically Ill. "Well he wasn't there was he? Henry you'll be fine", Belch spoke out. Belch nor Vic knew about my father and never acknowledged my comments about him, quite great-full for that but makes them seem super stupid. "Right I better get going, bye guys", I waved at them then began to walk home.

Patrick POV
"I'm gonna walk home with him - incase of pedos and shit like that", I told Belch and Vic. They both said bye then I went my own way. "Henry!", I yelled at him then saw him turn around. "Hey?", He raised an eyebrow letting me walk over to him. "I wanna walk you home", I explained while swinging my arm around his shoulder. "This makes it look like we're gay", He scoffed making a disgusted face at me. "You think everything I do is gay", I chuckled then began to walk away with him.

"Well - are you? Because if you are that's gross. Being gay is a sin", Bowers looked at me furrowing his eyebrows. "Since when were you religious? And I don't know really. I mean like - men are hot but so are women. So i don't know, I'd smash both", I confessed then started to bite my roughed up nails. "You're lucky you're my best friend or I'd be beating your ass right now", He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Kinky", I spoke, wiggling my eyebrows. He let out an 'ew!' then pushed himself away from me causing me to erupt with laughter.

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