2: Detention

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12th November 1984
Actual School

Henry POV
It has been 4 years since me and Patrick started our friendship and thankfully we managed to graduate primary school and move onto secondary school. "You're 12 I highly doubt you're in love", Patrick chuckled. "I am! She's literally perfect!", I protested ignoring the fact Patrick was laughing at the fact I HAVE fallen in love with a girl in our math class. "It's true!", I smacked the back of his head earning more laughter. "Henry stop you're gonna make me die of laughter!", Patrick was holding his stomach from the laughter. "Good", I scoffed putting my bag in my locker. He stopped laughing eventually when we saw a couple teachers walk by. "Boys don't forget about detention today", a teacher narrowed her eyes at us. What?! "Wait what?! What did we do now?!", I sputtered waving my arms around. "You beat up a year 6 named Bill Denbrough yesterday!", She reminded pushing her glasses up. "Oh yeah", Patrick smiled at the thought. Patrick has gotten much more unhinged over the years and practically doesn't feel guilt or pain anymore which I found strange.

"Oh and Patrick, you have a hospital appointment this afternoon", She exaggerated noon resulting in Patrick laughing and me letting out a few chuckles. "Okay sure", He responded trying to hold in his laughs which failed. "Just get to class boys. There will be a new student joining us today and I want you two to make him feel welcome", She warned us then walked off. Me and Patrick glanced at eachother then burst into laughter. "Okay let's get to class", He choked out grabbing me by the wrist then dragging me to class. Me and Patrick had 3 classes together but we spent half the time chatting together. We sat down in our usual seats which was next to eachother and waited for the teacher to arrive.

"Hello class! Today I would like to welcome a new student joining us! His name is Victor Criss, come up Victor!", Mr Wood invited Victor to the front of the class in which Victor hesitated in accepting.

"Hi! My names Victor Criss as you already know and I'm 11 years old, 12 on December 31st- unlucky I know. I live with my aunt and cousin in a small house because we're poor and you may be thinking 'why do you live with your aunt and cousin?' Well it's because my mum is in jail with my dad because they got drunk and beat some random bloke up and I never know when to stop talking so someone please shut me up!", Victor rambled on as he looked extremely nervous. I glared at Patrick in which he looked back and we both snickered. "Alright Victor that's enough information! You can sit next to Henry", The teacher pointed to the empty seat next to me in which everyone let out a 'uh oh' causing Victor's expression turn from embarrassment to confusion. "Sure", He accepted and placed his equipment down onto his desk. The class began in which Patrick and I occasionally passed notes to eachother explaining how boring this is.

10 minutes had passed and Patrick started doing his usual routine he has been doing for 8 years. Killing flies. "Sirrrrrr~ Patrick's killing flies AGAIN", One girl groaned out of pure annoyance. "Hockstetter just stop. I don't wanna have to call your parents again", The teacher warned Patrick. Patrick was never the type to mess around in class and if he did it would be much more sneakier then what I do. I'd usually yell out in class or throw stuff at the teacher while Patrick would cheat in class and do whatever bullshit he does. "Sorry Sir", He mumbled stuffing a fly in his pencil case.

20 minutes has passed and still the same boring old shit so I decided to lean over to the new kid. "Hey, run mouth, meet me at the school rooftop after class", I told him. Finally I might be able to make a new friend without scaring someone off. He gave me a thumbs up then resumed his work. I then leaned over to Patrick. "I might finally befriend someone", I then told him. Patrick raised an eyebrow and looked over to Victor. "Alright", He shrugged then continued to look at the dead flies in his pencil case. "Yuck, I don't know why you do that", I immediately looked away from his pencil case in which he replied. "I don't know either, I explained that I do this to my doctor and he said it's probably just a phase", Patrick explained smiling with the usual sadistic look on his face.

The first bit of hell is finally over and I dragged Patrick to the roof with me resulting in us waiting for Victor. Soon enough he appeared talking to someone else but still walking over to us. "Hi!", He smiled. I looked at the boy next to him who I immediately recognised. "Hey Belch, Victor", I waved resting my arm on Patrick's shoulder. "So anyway, Vicky, wanna join mine and Henry's friend group? Belch is kinda apart of it too considering he bikes us to school", Patrick asked for me. I was never good at asking people to be my friend because of the reputation I have so Patrick has to do it for me. "Sure", Victor accepted. "You do know we bully people right?", I forcefully chuckled. Victor looked at Belch who looked visibly calm around us all the time then Victor nodded. "I don't care, I still wanna be your friend", Victor proceeded to accept.

15 minutes passed and back to hell. "Ugh I really don't wanna do this shit", I complained throwing my head back. I was preparing for Victor to snitch on me for cussing but he did no such thing. Patrick had to drag me by the ear to class making me groan in pain the whole way. Hockstetter is stronger than me by like 25% so he didn't find it difficult to throw me into my seat either. Luckily the teacher wasn't anywhere in sight so Patrick didn't get told off. "You okay?", He whispered as I rubbed my back because it was a stinging sensation. I forgot to mention that almost 4 years ago, my mum left because of my dad and ever since then the abuse he gave me has gotten worse and Patrick was the only person who I've ever told. "Yeah, just hurts", I answered. He nodded in reply and then turned his attention to the class which was beginning. "Hockstetter, Bowers you have detention after", She announced even though she already told us. "You already told us that!", I shouted across the classroom receiving giggles. Patrick snickered until the teacher began to yell at me and threatened to give me 2 weeks detention resulting in me rolling my eyes and slouching back into my chair.

1h 15m later

Finally detention. Doesn't sound like the best thing in the world but I can cope. As soon as everyone exited the class the teacher set the timer and locked the door after she left to get her lunch. "Bowers, can I talk to you about something?", Patrick muttered lowering his head down. I looked at him and he sounded genuine. "What are you a fairy?", I joked laughing a bit after. He looked at me furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm serious", He cross his arms and narrowed his eyes into mine. "Oh um ok?", I sat up straight and turned my whole body to face him. "I think somethings like really wrong with me", He said blankly causing me to laugh. "Seriously?! That's one of the most funny things I've ever heard", I could not catch my breath from the laughter. He looked at me with the same blank look on his face. "Henry, I'm serious", He insisted. My eyes widened but then relaxed after a few seconds. "How do you know?", I questioned raising an eyebrow. He sighed and looked at me again. "I don't know I just feel somethings changed", He explained picking at his nails. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to him. "We never speak of this", I warned and he nodded. I hesitated but eventually hugged him. This feels weird. "Henry I don't care about something being wrong with me, like I literally couldn't give two shits I just don't want you to think of me as any different", He confessed. I smiled at him.

"Patrick you're my best friend. I don't care about some stupid illness or shit"

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