9: what happened?

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9th June 1989

Henry POV
It's been a couple days since the kiss with Patrick which would not lay off my mind. All I could do was think about it and how annoying it was that I wanted to do it again. The trouble is, me and Patrick still aren't speaking. It's not that I don't want to talk, because I do! Really! It's just.. Patrick hasn't showed up to school in 2 days and I think that if I turn up at his house then it'll make me seem needy and just sad! "Henry!!", That voice snapped me back to reality and I looked up from my desk to find the teacher narrowing her eyes at me. "What", I replied resting my head on my hand. "Someone wants to speak to you", She pointed at the door and it revealed two grown adults, one female, one male. I nodded and headed toward the direction the two were at. "Hi, you must be Henry Bowers?", The female questioned leading me outside. "Yeah, what's this about?", I groaned really not giving a fuck about what these two dipshits have to say.

"Did you know a Patrick Hockstetter?", The male asked taking a sharp inhale. Patrick? What? "Um yes. He's my best friend. Why?", I started to grow more concerned and confused. "How long have you known him for?", The male asked another question. More thoughts entered my mind scaring the shit out of me.
"9 years. What's wrong with him?", I could feel myself getting more panicked by the second. "Have you talked to him recently?", The female grabbed hold of a notepad and began jotting stuff down. "The last time we spoke was a couple days ago.. why?", I was getting more and more irritated that these shitbrains wouldn't tell me what was going on. What's happened to Patrick?! "Did he say where he was going or mention if he was going out anywhere?", The female let the ink run free on her notepad and didn't take her eyes off of it. "He did but I can't remember.. I think it was the barrens?", I bit on my nails from being to nervous. The male let out a laugh. "No teenager is stupid enough to go there", He bellowed. "Well Patrick's stupid", I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms digging my nails into my skin. "Alright. Thank you for the information you have provided us with. May you get Reginald Huggins please?", The female smiled softly looking over my shoulder to the door which led into my class. "Sure..", I sighed and walked inside. "Belch. They need yah", I whispered to him in which he nodded and followed were the two people were.

I slouched back into my chair and looked down at the floor. The teacher was rambling on about writing a cherished memory or some shit. "And! Start writing!"

I picked up my pen without any Will to and to my surprise I began writing like I've never written before. I didn't exactly know why I was letting myself do this but I started writing about one of the times me and Patrick went to the park together back when we were 14.

16th November 1987
Henry POV
"STOP I'M GONNA THROW UP", I yelled out gripping tightly onto the round-about. Patrick was laughing manically I was laughing as well before I got thrown onto the ground. "Holy shit!", Patrick blurted out. He helped me up and we both burst out into laughter again. "Wanna go on the swings now?", He asked practically already dragging me over. "Sure, but you're pushing me this time", I laughed disconnecting my wrist with Patrick's sweaty palm. I ran over to the swing and hopped onto it watching as Patrick walked behind me and started pushing me. "We're always gonna be best friends.. aren't we", I smiled ignoring the fact I almost hit my head on the top of the swing because of how hard Patrick was pushing it. "Of course! Wherever you go, I go. If we ever get into a fight we'll work it out. I love you. No homo", He explained. I could already tell he was doing that stupid smile of his. It made me happy thinking of it.

Present day
Henry POV
I dropped my pen and started to cry. I'm so sorry Patrick. I don't know where you are now but I'm so so sorry! "Excuse me Sir..", I mumbled to the teacher and rushed out of the room and ran into the boys toilets. I sank down onto the floor and let tears stream down my face as if it were a waterfall.

"You okay Henry?"

Patrick's voice.

"Y'know how I really hate Greta. I think she likes me"


"Shitty McKee is being a dick again"


I opened my eyes and examined the room. No sign of Patrick just an empty space.

What the fuck happened to you Patrick?

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