10(original ending)

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Quick A/N!
This is how this fanfic is ending but some ppl may be unhappy by this chapter so I'm going to make an alternative ending to those who aren't happy with this ending

9th June 1989(same day)
Victor POV
"Fucking finally", I sighed walking out of Maths. Henry was walking down the hallway after not coming back to class. "Hey! Henry!", Belch called out. He turned around then we noticed he has tear tracks streaming down his cheeks. "Henry..?", I mumbled walking over to him. "What's happened to Patrick?", He furrowed his eyebrows and ignored the fact he was visibly crying. "Um.. we don't know. The reporters haven't told anyone a single thing", Belch replied scratching the back of his neck. Henry was dissatisfied with the answer and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, let's go", He scoffed then started leading us out of the building.

Halfway through the drive we noticed a rather peculiar poster the same female reporter from earlier was placing on a lamppost. All we managed to read was "MISSING".

"Damm who's missing? Vic you go", Belch chuckled bobbing his head to the music. "I think that bitch from English. Y'know, Sidney?", I laughed resting my legs on the top of Belch's seat. "Haha! Yeah. What about you Henry?", He asked lowing down the volume. There was a small silence before Henry spoke.


No one made a sound. The only thing you could hear was 'Billie Jean' playing. "What..?", I muttered straightening myself into a more sensible posture. "It only makes sense! All those stupid fucking questions they were asking us about him adds up now! Patrick's missing", He choked out holding back violent sobs. "Henry! I'm sure he's fine. We can go back and check if you want?", I offered.

"Take me to the barrens", Henry demanded. "Sure but me and Vic ain't going there", Belch shrugged then continued to hum 'Billie Jean is not my loverrr'.
We arrived at the barrens and as soon as the car stopped Henry leaped out of the car. "Good luck! Don't let the clown get yah", I joked. There was a rumour about a Killer Clown hiding in the barrens that spread around faster than flash. "Ah shit, my tires are gonna get cut from these stupid fucking rocks", Belch groaned.

Henry POV
I took a deep sigh and looked at the inside of the barrens. This is for Patrick. I took a step inside and groaned in disgust. "Patrick..?", I echoed through the 'tunnel'. I sighed again and began walking through searching for Patrick. "Patrick?!", I yelled more desperate this time. Where is he..
If you saw me you'd think I was a mad man but in reality, I'm just trying to look for my best friend! Maybe crush. I don't know! My shaky breaths echoed through the slimy walls. I started to give up until I felt my foot connect with a leg. I looked down at what I saw frightened the living fuck out of me.


It was Patrick. He looked asleep, almost dead. Wait. That's when I noticed the cuts on his face and how half of his arm had bite marks all across it. In addition to this, his skin was pale and he looked like he was holding a pipe to defend himself. "Patrick!!", I called out and fell onto my knees to check for a pulse in which I did not find. "Patrick... fuck!!!", I screamed. My vision started to blur and next thing I know I'm on the floor resulting in everything turning black.

6 hours later

Henry POV
My eyes fluttered open and as soon as I adjusted to my awoken state I realised where I was.

A hospital.

Several nurses and doctors were surrounding me. "Ah! You're awake", One of them smiled softly. "What happened..?", I muttered holding my head. "Oh.. you were missing for about one hour so your friends called the police then they started a search on you. Your friends said you went into the barrens then they found you and another boy", The same woman explained furrowing her eyebrows trying to remember everything. Patrick! "The other boy! Is he alright?", I asked feeling goosebumps appear on my skin. They all exchanged looks and frowned.

"We're so sorry. He was already gone when the paramedics picked you both up"

I felt my heart sink as those few words were said. He's dead. He's really dead. "What..", I let the uncontrollable amount of tears waterfall down my cheeks. "We're so sorry for your loss. Would you like to see your two other friends? They may be able to comfort you", A male doctor questioned with a sympathetic expression. I shook my head and gritted my teeth. I started to let our heart wrenching sobs and I brought my knees up to my chest. They nodded and left the room apart from one. "Your father hasn't arrived yet. We've left him multiple calls, would you by any chance know where he may be?", A nurse asked tapping a pen repeatedly on a notepad. I shook my head not being able to talk. The last thing I ever said to my best friend was "ugh! Fuck you!"
I regret it so much. "If you want to know, his funeral is in one week. I can tell you two were close", The lady informed. I nodded feeling my heart beat fasten by the second. "You can leave whenever. I'll go now", She nodded then exited the room.

30 minutes later

Henry POV
I managed to silent my cries now as I got ahold of myself. Vic and Belch tried their best to comfort me, surprisingly they were doing quite well. But I can't imagine how I'm going to get over this.

We left the hospital soon and we got in the car. I sat in Patrick's old seat as it reminded me of him.


Henry POV
"You fucking numpty!", Patrick yelled out the window. We were all howling with laughter as Patrick kept throwing insults at random people on the street. "Stop! I'm gonna piss myself", Belch cried out from the laughing. "LOOK! IT'S SANDRA DEE", He pointed at some random blonde haired teenager who was walking her dog. "Play Sandra Dee!", He ordered looking back at me. I chuckled and played the song. "LOOK AT ME I'M SANDRA FUCKING DEE", He terribly sang. God I love him. No homo

End of Flashback

Henry POV
I was taken from my thoughts when I heard a whiny voice appear in my ears. "Shit sorry, looks like my sister's back from college", Victor groaned. Victor had an older sister by about 9 years so she had just left college. "Ugh, why are you here?", He stuck his tongue out at her making her do it back. "I gotta be real with you brotha they fucking kicked me out of the building you know what I mean tho", She talked like a nutcase. He rolled his eyes and let us follow him into his house. He lived with his Aunt and Cousin, occasionally his sister would visit. They were quite wealthy but not rich. They lived in a small apartment as his Auntie would say 'money doesn't buy happiness'. She's a bit weird.

That wasn't on my main priorities right now in this current situation though. All I could think about was Patrick and how I'd let him down. "I think I'm gonna go straight to sleep. Exhausting day, Y'know?", I told them already halfway up the stairs. "Sure, Nance and Aunt Irene are out and I doubt Ellie is staying over", Victor shrugged then left with Belch into the kitchen to make brownies. Neither seemed that bothered over Patrick's untimely death which highly bothered me but I'm to tired and drained to argue with them.

I climbed into Nancy's bed and stared up at the ceiling. I started to cry again because of how overwhelmed I was. All that could stay in my mind is how it's my fault he's dead. There was no denying that.

1 week later

Henry was still devastated about Patrick's brutal death - not to mention that his father's beatings got progressively worse. Henry had suicidal thoughts ever since that day not being able to stop blaming himself for his 'best friends' death. It was currently Patrick's funeral and not many people at all showed up. His father, two cousins and Henry were all that showed. "I'll miss you boy", Patrick father was crying knowing he's lost both of his dear sons. Patrick's cousins thought it would make them seem like horrible people if they didn't show so they stayed for like 1h. Henry however, was sobbing uncontrollably. Patrick's father couldn't bear to stare at the grave any longer and had to leave. Patrick's cousins were already gone. Henry had stayed.

He was sitting down next to the tombstone leaning his head on the side of it letting the tears slowly fall down his cheek. What he didn't know is that Patrick was still watching over him. Patrick's body was resting next to Henry's live self. "I'm sorry. I miss you so much", Henry cried not knowing Patrick was right beside him. IT had ruined Patrick's vocal chords so he couldn't speak to him.

The two boys sat there for the rest of the day, knowing they would never be able to hug, touch, play or speak to one another ever again. "I love you Patrick, I'm sorry I wasn't there"

The end

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