6: To close

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30th May 1989

Henry and his gang are 16 now!

Henry POV
"I hate food tech so much you don't understand", Victor sighed drastically as he left food tech. "You lived", Belch shrugged. Me, Belch and Victor share a food tech lesson while Patrick had science. He never complained though, science was his favourite lesson - mainly because of the Bunsen Burners which I believe he did today because when he looked at his journal, he yelled out 'FIRE' randomly then ran down the hall to his class. "Wonder how Patrick's doing", I chuckled leaning against the wall. "Why? Worrying about him are yah?", Belch snickered while Victor was making kissing noises.

"Shut up! I'm not a fag that's disgusting" "Henry we know you're not a cigarette", Victor spoke tilting his head to the side. "Shut the fuck up!", I yelled. My food tech teacher walked out the class at that moment and glared at me. "Yeah yeah I know", I groaned knowing I've earned myself another detention. "FUCK YOU", Me and the gang heard a familiar voice scream through the building.

"Patrick", Belch sighed out of annoyance. We were greeted by a manic Patrick who seemed like he was running from something or someone. "Hey guys!", He waved but quickly whipped his head around when he saw two boys running down the hall. "Give me my fucking lighter Vic", Patrick demanded in which Victor obeyed and handed him his lighter. Patrick snatched it and grabbed his hairspray then held it out causing the two boys to stop in their tracks, one of them must've had their hair burnt. "Fuck off Billy and Stu", Belch groaned in annoyance. Ew those two fairies. "We don't want your gay disease!", I called them out and they rushed away. "Don't tell me you were actually scared of them Pat?", Victor erupted into laughter and almost fell down onto the 1st floor as he was sitting on a railing. "Don't call me that. And obviously I wasn't, they're fake, a figment of my imagination so what could they possibly do?", Patrick stated pointing to his head. We all groaned. Belch and Victor exchanged a few complaints about Patrick's statement while I didn't say much as I knew Patrick could get touchy about this subject. Soon enough a teacher arrived and gave Patrick a detention.

"But Mrs uh, what's your name?", He asked giving an innocent face. "Mrs Meeks", She sighed and crossed her arms then narrowing her eyes at Patrick. "Mrs Reeks, they were annoying me with their gayness and I'm sure you can understand that I was very disgusted by this", Patrick smiled psychotically knowing damm well he was one of those gay freaks. "Patrick! That is a vile thing to say and you've earned yourself a 3 week detention, now get to class!", She commanded and pointed to the opposite direction of our classes. "Sure", I smirked then we all left the direction she pointed to.

"Give me a cigarette", Belch motioned for Victor to pass him a cigar in which he did. We were hanging out on the rooftop at school because fuck class. "I gotta go to the toilet, see yah in a minute", I got up and left. Not to cautious of getting caught flunking class, I walked to the boys restroom and heard some douchebags mention my name. I slid into a cubicle so I could properly hear what was being rumoured and so far it seems fine. Until.

"Maybe he's a fairy just like his mother", One sneered. What the fuck did that wanker just say? "You're evil", Another replied adding a snicker into the statement. "Please, it's a common fact", I heard the cubicle door open and the voice grew louder. "His mother was a fag", He laughed then I heard another door open. "Cut him some slack he watched his mum leave him", He seemed nice but in reality there was full hatred in that voice. "And it fucked him up royally", the familiar voice choked out as he was laughing. "Think about it. His mother's abandonment leaves Henry disturbed and hostile in a cruel, inhumane world. He's delusional", He joked about to make a full story until the door opened. I couldn't move. I wanted to beat them both up so hard that they pass out but I couldn't. "What the fuck did you just say", A recognisable voice spoke. Patrick. It's always him. "H-Hockstetter!", one of the males stuttered. Bam.

I managed to control myself again and opened the door. Patrick was staring at the two boys who were laying on the ground. "Patrick?", I felt my eyes sting with water. "Henry!", Patrick looked up at me almost as if he didn't know I just went here. He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed the tears in my eyes. He walked over to me and flicked me on the head. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?!", I yelled letting some tears fall down my face. "To make you cry, it was really annoying just watching you stand there with tears in your beautiful eyes", Patrick answered wiping the tears off my cheeks. I was about to open my mouth to say something but I couldn't think of a comeback. "Cat got your tongue?", He chuckled. "What do we do about the shitheads on the floor?", I asked changing the subject. Patrick shrugged. "Ooo! I could add them to my fridge! Technically they're animals, right?", his normal frown turned into a sadistic smile and I swear I could see his eyes glow from excitement. "Patrick, they're not dead", I sighed disgusted by the mention of his fridge. Patrick rolled his eyes in response and began to drag me out of the room. "Shit", I mumbled looking at the clock about to hit 10:20, meaning that if the teachers caught us we'd get a months detention.

"Shit - follow me", He whisper yelled. He took my hand in his and began to run quickly up the stairs up to the rooftop. "Where are Vic and Belch?!", I asked trying to catch my breath while we still were running. "Don't give a shit really", He said calmly despite his heavy panting. We finally got to the rooftop and we stood near eachother. To near really. Our foreheads were touching as well as our hands, I could feel him breath on me and we locked eyes with eachother. He smiled like a sadist and spoke.

"Are we about to kiss right now?"

I groaned and pushed him away resulting in him laughing manically. "Fuck you!"

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