3: Losers&Boys toilets

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September 10th 1984

Henry POV
"Ugh why did the losers have to join this stupid school?", Patrick groaned as I leaned against my locker. "Just bully them like you usually do to people", Belch shrugged walking over to us. Victor nodded looking more agitated then usual. "What's got your knickers in a twist?", I comment on while looking out for the shitheads known as the loser club. "I think my aunt put a pill in my morning drink making me more quiet. It's not working", He quickly explained fidgeting with his fingers. "I can tell", Belch laughed ruffing up Victors hair. Victor smacked his hand away and looked down at the floor when finally we saw the 4 fuckbrains. "Oh shitty nacks", Foureyes mumbled when he saw us. The other 3 looked over and they avoided eye contact. "Fucking losers", Patrick mumbled with a frown but that turned into a sadistic smile. "No", Belch sighed as we already predicted what Patrick was having thoughts of.

"Why? I'm sure the animals in my fridge would love some new company!", He whined but he perked up at the mention of his fridge. Victor furrowed his eyebrows at the thought of the fridge. "I haven't even seen what you fridge looks like and I don't wanna know but don't mention that shit ever again!", Victor choked out more slowly as the pill kicked in. "Yeah! I don't know how your parents let you have that!", Belch added in disgust. Patrick chuckled wickedly then stared at them both. "They don't know about it. Nor do they know that I bully kids", He informed us while shaking his hairspray also getting his lighter out. "Patrick no", I looked him dead in the eye with a harsh tone. He rolled his eyes and put his equipment away but still glared at the losers. "Fucking losers", Patrick repeated. We all parted ways to go to our classes in which I didn't share with anyone I knew. Apart from the losers but they don't count.

I was quite concerned throughout most of the lesson though because the only time Patrick really ever acted that sadistic was when he was about to have an episode and his episodes are quite bad. Back when we were 10, he started yelling at the teacher for making him answer a question he didn't want to respond to and then he full on left the classroom. He didn't get into to much trouble because of a reason the teacher wasn't permitted to explain and Patrick didn't know he was doing it. Considering mine and Patrick's friendship, I'm the main one that can reel him out of the episodes.

30 minutes into class

"This is so boring!", I shouted out not caring I would get in trouble. The teacher scolded me and told me to sit outside because I'm apparently disrupting his lesson. He acts like that's a bad thing. Anyway, I walked outside then sat up against the wall playing with my switchblade - well my dads blade.

10 minutes had passed and I saw a class head over to the cafeteria when I noticed Victor. Doesn't he share a class with Patrick? Victor looked over to me and ran over. "Don't you share a class with Hockstetter?", I whispered careful not to 'disrupt' Mr 'whatever his name is' class. "Yeah, he's having an episode", He explained then pointed towards the boys toilets. "Shit okay", I nodded then made my way to the toilets.

"Hey Patrick", I waved making sure not to startle him. He looked over to me and he seemed fine. Same blank expression as always, didn't have any scars on him yet. Good sign. "Vic sent you here right?", he questioned while fiddling with his hairspray and lighter. "Yeah, why?", I asked sitting on a counter which was keeping hold of the sinks. "I was bored. Vic is a goody two shoes. Belch is doing a test. You were my only option", He shrugged then used his 'flame thrower'. "Ah!", I avoided the fire causing Patrick to laugh like a maniac. Which he was. "You scared of fire Hens?", He laughed stopping the fire from oozing out. "No! It's just not very normal to see fire as soon as you step into the boys toilets", I protested while making sure the fire didn't get me. He burst out into laughter and said it looked like I was checking myself out resulting in me laughing as well. "I gotta get back to class soon", I choked out ignoring the psycho look Patrick had glued onto his face. "Come onnnn, you can skip one class", He groaned then shook me by the shoulders. "Fine, I'm only staying because of you though", I gave in then we just messed around the whole period. It was fun I guess. "Okay lunch now, let's go", I opened the door for Patrick to exit out of. "I have to go to the hospital", He complained leaving the toilets. I nodded then offered to escort him to the office. "Aww how sweet", He ruffled my hair then smiled but like a genuine smile. "Shut up!", I smacked his hand away then we began walking.

We walked slowly to the office as we were in the middle of a conversation about how boring school is and how everyone is just a piece of shit(apart from Vic and Belch). "We're here", I mumbled stopping outside the office door. "Bye, love yah", He joked knowing I would get annoyed. "That sound gay ew!", I complained making a disgusted face at him. He responded with a laugh and left.

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