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"Ainsley! Come on, we're gonna be late!" She hears her mom call from down the hall. Finishing up her makeup she rolls her eyes in annoyance. Today was graduation and the last thing Ainsley wanted or needed was her mother and stepfather ruining the day. They always did. From a very young age it was always Ainsley and her mom, until Frank came onto the scene. He was truly awful, he treated Maria, her mother like shit. They were always fighting and arguing, making it difficult to understand why the pair were even together. And much to Ainsley's dismay her mother always sided with Frank.

"I told you mom I'm not going!" She retorts finally, gathering all she needs from graduation.

"What do you mean you're not going?" Maria quizzes as she waits for her daughter to come downstairs.

"I've already told you, I'm going to graduation with Jacob and his family."

"Ugh, I really don't understand why you spend all your time with that boy and harass his family."

"I'm not harassing them, it was Mr and Mrs Barber's idea to ride with them." Shaking her head with disapproval, Maria turns on her heels storming down the long hallway to the kitchen where Frank was fixing himself a drink.

"Frank, have you heard this! Have you heard what our daughter is doing!"

"El no es mi padre!"
"He is not my father!"
Ainsley argues from behind as she follows into the kitchen.

"Ainsley that's enough! You know I don't like you speaking Spanish around Frank! He doesn't understand!"

"Bueno, por fin podré hablar con mi madre sin que él se entrometa!"
"Good, finally get to talk to my mother without him butting in!"

"How many times do we have to go over this... Frank raised you!"

"Not by choice and anyways it's not like he even really wants to go to my highschool graduation!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Frank has done nothing but support and look after you."

"Next joke" Ainsley mumbles, rolling her eyes as she relives the same argument with her mom again. Anytime they got into any disagreement about Frank she'd throw it back in her face.

"You're old enough to still be grounded young lady. Don't you speak to your mother that way!"

"You're not my dad and never will be! Don't bother turning up to graduation! I swear the minute I can get to college the better!" turning, Ainsley grabs her cell and bag, exiting the house without a second to spare. Rumerging in her bag she grabs her keys to the Ford dodge she got on her 16th birthday 2 years ago. Starting the engine it gives a mighty roar as she uses the manual stick shift to put it into gear and speeds off.

20 minutes passes and soon Ainsley is pulling up outside the Barber's house.

"Ainz babe I got your text... what's happened?" Jacob greets her from outside pecking her cheek sweetly.

"Fucking Frank thinking he's my dad and can tell me what to do... I mean who does that man think he is? He's not my father and never will be!" Squeezing her shoulder Jacob pulls her in for a hug, trying to comfort his girlfriend. "I know how hard it is for you."

"No you don't Jacob! You have a dad. I don't. He died when I was three years old and I can't even remember him. Do you know how shitty that is?"

"C'mere" he nods, reaching his arms out. Accepting she wraps herself around him, deeply inhaling his intoxicating scent that both Barber men were guilty of. "It's okay... Look, you can stay here this summer, I've already spoken to mom and dad and they've agreed."

𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ~ 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now