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6 Months... 181 days... 4,344 hours... 15,638,400 seconds.

That's how long it's been since I last spoke with Andy Barber. A lot has happened in my life over these last 6 months. I know it's cowardly and dumb but I couldn't bring myself to face Jacob about his little 'fling' going on with Ashley, so I didn't do anything about it. Instead I've distanced myself from pretty much everyone, throwing my all into my college work.

I still see and spend a lot of time with Jacob, but it's hard. I've refused to even let him touch me at times since that day 6 months ago, getting intimate with him was off the table, which I know is probably the most stupidest thing to do but how can I even let him near me like that... Inside of me when he's been inside of her. I don't even know if they used protection, but with Ahsley's reputation, they can't be trusted.

I still sit and think to myself, why am I even in a relationship with this boy when he has done the unthinkable and doesn't even love me like he claims he does. I think I'm too afraid to be alone. Even though that's exactly what I am anyway. It's like he is some sort of safety blanket.

As for his father Andy, that's just a whole other problem. I was an absolute mess when I bumped into him just after catching Jake and Ashley, it was so stupid to kiss him. But the problem I was having, I wanted to do it again.

I've always liked Andy, I've always seen him as a good father and a good role model to his son, so I'm baffled how Jacob is acting like a complete dick and treating me like this. Maybe I should push my pride aside and give Jacob the attention he wants, no the attention he needs. I should show Ashley who the real winner is and that Jacob is mine and even despite this, he still is because he'd rather be with me than her... But I'm getting ahead of myself, what I really need to be doing is focusing on my studies.

I have my first piece of coursework and exam to prepare for. You'd think 6 months in we wouldn't be doing any tests, but Professor Higgins insists it's one of the best ways to learn and the best way to prepare us for when we eventually sit the bar. Class wasn't all bad though, I'd made a few new friends, well study buddies who I liked to sit and study with, but Erin I'd definitely consider to be a friend.

I remember back to my first day of classes, I was lost and running late to find the lecture hall I was to be in, running frantically down the halls I crashed into Erin as we were both trying to get into the classroom. We both profusely apologised to one another and hurried inside, there was no spare seats so we ended up sitting with each other. Striking up that first conversation with Erin was so easy, it's like I've known that girl forever.

Erin is originally from Boston, has lived here her whole life and has no plans on ever leaving. She had the typical childhood, typical highschool experiences we all had, but she was never classed as the 'popular' girl. Erin had a real cool and query personality. Her style was so outgoing but damn that girl knew how to rock her look. My favourite thing about her is the hair. A different colour practically every week. She really doesn't care what others think, I know some people are intimidated by her but she has a big heart.

Today we have a special guest in our lecture but professor Higgins wants it to be a surprise so none of us know who will be attending.

"Ohh I wonder if it's Judge Jones, he's an absolute legend!" Erin is extremely enthusiastic about the 'special guest', she has so much passion for everything she does. She will make a damn good lawyer.

"Maybe... Or maybe we will just get some random attorney? I know Professor HIggins means well but he can be such an anti-climax." We both giggle to one another as I reach to take my Starbucks from the girl behind the counter.

"Thank you." We both head out across campus, we have about 15 minutes before our lecture and special guest so we dilly dally along, with no care in the world.

"Meh you're probably right... Why are you such a buzzkill Ains." I gasp pretending to be deeply offended.

"How dare you Erin! I am not a buzzkill!" She laughs giving me a gentle shove.

"Nah you're really not... your mean girl friend Ashley is." I feel my stomach drop at the mention of her name, unintentionally my body tenses up.

"Shit sorry A, I didn't mean-"

"No it's okay... I can't exactly blame you after what I told you."

"I just can't understand why you're still with him though.. He's cheating on you with her-"

"Cheated. Past tense, he's not doing that anymore." I speak defensivley, wishing this conversation wasn't even happening.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Marcus is keeping tabs, she hasn't been around to his dorm in weeks."

"And how do you know he isn't going to her?"

"Because he's either with me, his dorm or the football team. Ashley has been complaining that her 'new' mystery boyfriend is being a jerk and ghosting her. So she's kinda keeping me in the loop herself." I shrug as we enter the lecture hall and make our way over to our usual seats.

"Yes but why are you still dating that jerk, you could do so much better." I sigh, looking down to my knees, feeling an overwhelming feeling of disappointment in myself. What she said made sense and I knew my worth, but what do you do when you're young, dumb and in love.

"He loves me Erin... It's complicated." She goes to open her mouth, probably to argue some more about how I need to dump him and move on and she's absolutely right, but that wasn't the only reason I was holding onto him. I needed him to keep that small connection with his dad.

"Settle down class!" We hear Professor Higgins call as he enters the hall with his guest, not many of us pay attention though, we're all too busy getting out all our essentials.

"Class, let me introduce you to my guest, the  assistant district attorney all the way from Newton, Mr Andrew Barber."


a/n: Who doesn't love a time jump? Yup you read correctly, she has ghosted this man for 6 months but is still hung up on that kiss... and yes you will all be shouting at me but she is still with Jacob

What do we think of our new friend Erin? She's a genuine friend everyone deserves to have, she'll protect our girl at all costs!!

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