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"Cuántas veces tengo que decírtelo! No voy a volver. De hecho, acabo de recibir mi carta de aceptación en Harvard y voy a hacer la residencia allí."
"How many times do I have to tell you! I'm not coming back! In fact I just got my acceptance letter to Harvard and I'll be taking residency there!"

For the last 20 minutes or so I had been arguing on the phone with my mother before finally exploding at her and revealing I'd been accepted to Harvard. My mother had always made it well known she didn't want me going off to college, she wanted me here so she and Frank could rule my life... Make me miserable.

"Frank no es mi padre! Cuántas veces, sólo porque estaba allí desde que era un niño pequeño no significa nada para mí. Marco era mi padre! ¡Siempre lo será!"
"Frank is not my father! How many times, just because he was there since I was a toddler means nothing to me. Marco was my father! Always will be!"

Jacob had been sitting downstairs with his family for the last 20 minutes as my argument continued to get more heated. Apart from Andy, none of them spoke Spanish so it was hard for them to follow most of the conversation I was having.

"I think I should go see her." Jacob announces to his parents standing from the dining room table.

"No Jake..." Laurie reaches over to stop him. "Let your father go, he probably has a better understanding of what's going on up there." Taking a breath Andy nods in agreement. "Wait here both, I'll go make sure she's okay."

"¡No me quieres, mamá! Nunca lo has hecho, siempre he sido una posesión de premios que te gusta mostrar cuando te conviene, pero cuando te necesito... como madre, ¡nunca estás ahí para mí!"
"You don't love me mom! You never have, I've always just been this prize possession you like to show off when it suits, but when I need you... as a mother, you're never there for me!"

I was really starting to lose it with my mom now, even still she wasn't even acknowledging how shitty of a mother she'd been to me! "I'm being unreasonable!" I'd switched back to english but this always happened during our arguments. "I can't do this... I have to go-" being cut off my mother starts yelling down the phone at me again, throwing vile insults like she always ended up doing. I started pacing Jacob's bedroom again, trying to calm myself down and stop the tears from falling.

Spinning on my feet I turn facing Jacob's doorway and there I see Andy his hand inches from the door as he was anticipating to knock. I'd lost all sense of time so I hadn't a clue how long he'd been standing there. I can see the sadness and sympathy in his eyes as he hears my mother's vile words.

"Lo siento, soy una decepción para ti, madre."
"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you mother."

Signing in defeat I hang up the phone. "Sorry Mr Barber, I didn't mean to be so loud... I'll get out of your hair, thanks for letting me spend the night." I turn away going to gather my belongings which are scattered around Jacob's room.

"Where are you going, Ainsley?" He asks, his voice soft as he speaks, walking further into the room.

"Home..." I answer by trying to avoid eye contact.

" I don't know if you know this about me, Ainsley but I do speak Spanish... So I know the last place you'd be heading is home." Stepping closer to me, his broad body towers over me. I can't stop the tears stinigng my eyes, slowly falling down my flushed cheeks. Gently he pinches my chin, pushing my chin up for me to see him clearly.

"It'll be okay, you can stay as long as you need." I try to protest his kindness but he shh's me. Caressing my cheek softly with this thumb wiping my tears he looks into my eyes, those piercing blue/green ocean eyes that anyone could easily get lost in.

I don't know what was coming over me but for a split second I actually forgot who I was with, who this man actually was to me. My boyfriends father. I shook myself out of the dirty little thoughts that crossed my mind.

He lowers his hand back down, subtly starts playing with my finger tips, not quite holding my hand. I didn't know what was happening, Mr Barber had always been kind to me but this... it somehow felt different, more intimate. And I've got to say, I didn't dislike this attention or affection I was getting from him, it felt different from whenever Jacob showed me this kind of attention and affection. This with Andy, the chemistry, it felt more natural. But it was wrong.

"Dad!" We hear Jacob shout from downstairs, startling us both. "We'll be down in a minute!" Andy's strong voice responds as he takes deep strides backwards away from me. I give him a timid smile. "Thanks Mr Barber, I mean it."

"Please call me Andy." He smirks before turning away and heading downstairs. I feel myself letting go of the breath I had no idea I was holding. Composing myself I swipe the stray tears that were still gathered in my eyes, blowing the air out of my lungs I shake myself out of it. I make my way to the restroom and lock myself in so I can make sure I'm presentable before heading downstairs. My mascara is slightly pandaish and under my eyes are only slightly puffy.

Finally looking more myself I unlock the door and head downstairs to see the others. "Ains you okay?" Jacob asks wrapping me tight in his arms, I can feel the tears threatening to take over again but I keep level headed, calming myself.

"I'm fine..."

"You still wanna go to Ashley's party tonight?"

"I think alcohol and a big blow out is exactly what I need." Smiling, he kisses my forehead. "Let's grab some food then get ready?"

"Only if it's pizza." I giggle accepting his hand as I grab my bag and him his car keys.

"Ains and I are heading out for Pizza! Be back soon!"

"Drive safe!" Laurie calls from the living room.


"So do you wanna talk about earlier?" Jake quizzes me as I take a bite of my veggie supreme pizza. I shake my head in disagreement wanting him to drop the subject.

"Come on, Ains, don't shut me out."

"I'm not Jake I just don't wanna talk about it, it's the same as always, moms taking Frank's side." Avoiding eye contact I continue eating my pizza in silence. Jacob always knew something never sat right with Frank and I but whenever he tried bringing up the topic of my step father I always changed the subject.

"Look, let's get finished up here then we can head home and get ready for the party. I know Ashely's going all out with this graduation party." Laughing I nod my head agreeing with him. Ashley has been my best friend since middle school and always been the life of the party. She was responsible for all big events in our year group and we knew she'd be pulling out all the stops for graduation. As long as it didn't end up being shut down by the police like it did at the prom after party we knew it would be a success.

"Who's driving to the lake house again?" I ask as we finish up and settle the bill with the waitress.

"I will." Jacob confirms as we walk back to his pick-up his dad got him when he turned 18 to replace his old Honda civic. "And before you ask I promise I won't get too drunk again and have to get dad to come get us."

"I really need this night Jakey.... I want to be able to celebrate and forget all the shit that's going on."

a/n: here's a small glimpse into the start of how things are about to go down. Andy was more than kind to Ainsley, is he just being supportive to his son's girlfriend or is there more than meets the eye??

I'm so excited for this story 💖

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