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Pulling up to the party I can see teens scattered everywhere, drunkenly roaming around the place. I spot my son first and I can see from even a distance how uneasy he's looking. I furrow my brow as I park up and go to step out of the car.

"Jake, where's Ainsley?" I see him start to frantically look around again, knowing he has no idea where she's gone again.

"Hi Mr Barber." I hear a girl's voice, I turn to look and see Ashley walking over to me, twirling her hair in one hand and biting her lip. I sigh in annoyance as she comes over, I did not like that girl and wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her.

"Ashley." I say coldly looking past her, trying to see where my son has gone.

"How are you sir?" she leans across grabbing my arm squeezing it. I shrug her off instantly and I can see the hurt in her eyes from my rejection. I seriously didn't know why Ainsley was even friends with this girl, she was better than this.

"Dad! I need your help!" I hear my son's voice from the opening to the house. I ignore Ashley and rush on over. "What is it son?" Getting to him I can see Ainsley slumped down on the ground, against the doorframe in nothing but her underwear. I crouch down cupping her face, but her whole body is limb as she's passed out.

"Jake! What the hell happened?" I can feel the anger build up inside of me, how could my son be so irresponsible to allow his girlfriend to get in such a state. I look at him waiting for an explanation.

"I... um... I don't know dad-"

"What do you mean you don't know? Have you not been with her all night?" I can see the guilt in his eyes which gave me his answer. I wasn't sure exactly what this guilty look was but I knew he hadn't been watching her all night.

"Where are her clothes?" I ask standing, putting my hands on my hips sighing in annoyance.

"Here they are Mr Barber." I turn to see Ashley holding them, looking like butter wouldn't melt. I don't even answer and grab them from her, having Jacob help support her up I dress her back up the best I can.

"Dad... I'm sorry."

"Save it." Bending down I scoop her up, carefully going down the porch steps and over to the car, my son rushes quickly after me, barely having a chance to say goodbye to his friends. He opens the back door of the Audi up and I gently lay her down on the back seats. I gently close the door, not wanting to wake her.

"Dad, I swear."

"Not one word Jacob. I don't know what sneaky shit you've been up to tonight, but Ainsley is your girlfriend and you're supposed to look after her. I am very disappointed, now get in the car." He drops his head, quietly getting into the car. Just as I'm about to get in I can hear my name being called again.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I mutter under my breath. "What is it Ashley?"

"Ains, she forgot her phone." She smiles handing it over.


"I hope she's feeling better soon, she was a little outta control tonight." She giggles trying to make light of the situation.

"Well maybe if her boyfriend kept an eye on her then none of this would have happened."

"Jacob can't help if he has needs."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Surly she wasn't implying my son was being unfaithful to his girlfriend.

"Ainsley isn't as special as everyone thinks." She scoffs folding her arms over her chest, I knew then the jealousy Ashley had over her 'best friend'.

"Jealousy is an ugly shade on you..." She's stunned at my blunt response to her. "Oh and no hard feelings on not getting into Harvard... College isn't for everyone." Her mouth opens and closes again, nothing coming out. Ignoring her I got into the car, checking in my rear view mirror to see Ainsley was okay before going.

We sit in silence on the drive home, occasionally we hear murmurs from Ainsley both checking to see if she's okay. 15 minutes later we finally arrive home, pulling into the driveway we both sit in silence looking straight ahead.

"What were you thinking Jake? How could you let her get so bad?"

"It wasn't my fault dad." Jacob screws his face up knowing he's said the wrong thing. "I mean... what I mean is I didn't force her to drink that much."

I scratch my beard, trying to remain calm and get Ashley's words out of my head. "I think it's best if you and Ainsley stay away from Ashley this summer." Not leaving any room for a response I step out of the car and open the back seat door. Carefully I lift Ainsley carrying her into the house as Jacob get's the door for me.

Quietly we enter the house heading for the living room. I place her down gently. "She can sleep downstairs tonight, I'll keep an eye on her."

"Thanks dad... and about Ashley-"

"You have a real special girl here Jake... don't ruin it." My son nods, I can see a glimmer of guilt in his eyes but I choose to ignore it.

"Get some rest son, we'll talk more in the morning."

"Love you dad."

"I love you too son." Jacob heads upstairs leaving Ainsley and I alone. I make sure she's comfortable a moment before heading up to get her the spare duvet from the spare room and some other supplies. I need to grab a change of clothes for myself and to cover Ainsley up some more so I sneak into my room. Quietly rummaging through the draws I grab what I need before going to sneak out again, not wanting to wake my wife.

"Andy?" I hear Laurie murmur, I must have woke her.

"Go back to sleep." I whisper quietly still walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" She asks as she switched the side light on pushing herself up.

"I'm going to sort Ainsley, our son was very irresponsible tonight." Completely disregarding what I say about Ainsley of course my wife's main and only concern is our son.

"Is Jake okay?"

"He's fine, unlike his girlfriend."

"Well what have I told you, that girl is trouble."

"Enough!" I shout slamming my hand on the wall startling her. "Laurie I'm getting really sick of this now, the poor girl has done absolutely nothing wrong at all and all of a sudden you have this vendetta against her. What has she done? What has she actually done for you to be so bitchy?"

My wife sits silently, stunned at my outburst. "Jealousy is a really ugly shade on you Laurie." Shaking my head in disappointment I leave my wife to stew over her childish behaviours.

Grabbing the duvet and essentials I head back downstairs, I take one of my spare t shirts and put it over Ainsley's dress covering her slightly better, covering her with the duvet and placing the bucket next to her, I settle for the night on the smaller couch, using the fluffy throw as my blanket.

a/n: okay soo we all agree Ashley is a snake...
Laurie... well she's just not doing herself any favours.
Will Jacob stay away from Ashley this summer??

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