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I walk downstairs to see my husband on the soft plush sofa. I look  over to the other sofa and see my son's girlfriend, in my husband's clothing. Why is she wearing his sweater, what an earth went on last night?

I walk into the kitchen and purposely make loud noises as I get the coffee pod from the cupboard, slamming it onto the counter top. I continue to gather all I need to make coffee and breakfast. I hear heavy footsteps from behind, turning I see my drowsy husband rubbing his eyes, coming into the kitchen.

"Morning" he grumbles still trying to come round from his abrupt awakening. I turn a moment to glance at him before turning to resume what I was doing. Going into one of the top cupboards again I grab a mug, making sure to slam the door again.

"Laurie, shh Jacob and Ainsley are still asleep."

Slamming the cup on the counter I grip the edge of it, my knuckles turning white. "I told you that girl was trouble." Turning slowly I face my husband and I can see the disbelief on his face.

"Don't you dare look at me like that Andy, I've told you for a very long time now-" He interrupts me by slamming his palm on the other counter. "Laurie!" his voice booms, moving fast around the kitchen island he's towering over me, gritting his teeth as he breathes hard. I glance behind me to check neither my son or his girlfriend is behind him. Leaning in even closer his mouth is by my ear.

"I told you last night, Aisnley isn't the problem. If you'd just stop and take a real look, you'd see our son isn't as perfect as you think."

"Andrew, if you'd take a look and stop putting Ainsley on a pedicel you'd see how much of a bad influence she is-" Slamming his hands next to me I'm startled, almost even frightened by my husband's reaction. I couldn't understand why he thought so highly of this girl.

I'd seen her school file, until about 2 years ago she'd been the class troublemaker, disrupting and influencing others to make bad decisions. I did feel for the girl, her upbringing wasn't the best, despite having the money. But her mother... no wonder Ainsley was the way she was. Deep down I knew she wasn't that bad but I was jealous. Jealous of how she coil steal all the attention in a room. How in love my son was with her, how much my husband adored her. I know this should all make me feel happy but it just made me despise the girl more. More than she deserved.

I go to speak when we hear someone clear their throat from behind us. "Mom? Dad? Is everything okay?" Andy pushes himself from the counter, taking a large step back.

"We're fine hunny, me and your father were just-"

"Fighting... again." He finishes my sentence. It was true, all my husband and I did was fight these days, over literally anything but we were sure Jacob wasn't aware.

"No son, we just had a little disagreement." Andy tries to reassure our son.

"Is it about last night dad? I swear I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Didn't mean for what to happen Jacob?" I question, taking a few steps closer to him. I can see the panic in his eyes and he looks to his father for help.

"Don't look at you father, look at me. Now tell me what happened last night Jake?" He stammers on his words, trying to figure out what to say.

"It was me, Mrs Barber." We all hear Ainsley's voice from the archway between the living room and kitchen.

"I got a little out of control last night and Jacob tried to stop me from drinking but I wouldn't listen. I made him have to call Mr Barber and come get us." I sigh in annoyance shaking my head at her.

"Mom, that's not true, it was my fault."

"I don't want to hear it. I'm sorry but Ainsley you cannot stay here this summer."


"No. I'm sorry but I will not be putting up with this behaviour all summer. Jacob and Ainsley are going to college in the fall and they both have a serious amount of growing up to do."

"What, so you're just going to send the poor girl back home?" My husband questions, his voice growing louder by the word.

"Yes, and Jacob is grounded for the rest of the summer. No parties, no leaving the house and NO seeing Ainsley." I emphasise the last part whilst glaring in Ainsley's direction. She hangs her head, I can see how hurt she is but I'm too mad to care.


"I understand Mrs Barber. I'll just go and get my stuff." Quietly her and Jacob leave together as they go to gather her things. "Oh and your father can take her home Jacob! Your punishment starts now!"

"Is that really necessary? Keeping them apart?" Andy crosses his arms, leaning against the counter, looking at me with disbelief.

"They need to learn, maybe by the time college starts, he'll have forgotten all about that silly little girl."

"Jealousy is an ugly shade on you Laurie!" He spits at me in anger, pushing himself from the counter. He leaves me all alone in the kitchen, I assume to go and speak with the pair. I mutter to myself going back to what I was doing, making unnecessary slamming and banging.

10 minutes pass and the only sign I have of Ainsley and my husband leaving is hearing the door slam hard.

"Jacob!" I shout, as I'm tidying up the kitchen. After a few minutes I called again. Nothing.

"Jacob Barber! Get downstairs now!" I shout even louder but nothing. Throwing my towel down in frustration I march up the stairs to his room, opening the door. I'm prepared to have a screaming match with my son, but he isn't there.

And neither are his clothes. I see pulled open, empty draws. I pull my phone out and try to call him. When he doesn't pick up I decide to try my husband but after a few rings the call is rejected.

I tried my son again one last time but it went straight to voicemail.

"Jacob, how dare you defy me like this! You are in so much trouble when you get home, oh and that goes for your father too!"

a/n: So does anyone actually like Laurie? So I guess this summer isn't going to go as planned, but who's ready for Ainsley to start college?

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