925 61 11



It had just gone 4pm when the people started to arrive at the Barber's. Laurie wasn't joking when she said she was throwing a party, most of Jake's football team was here, as were most of our group from senior year. After I'd returned to the house I was stuck with Laurie all afternoon in the kitchen helping her prep, whilst Jacob and his dad were outside setting up. I still didn't know what Laurie's motives were to throw this party, I just prayed that there'd be no drama.

I stand in the kitchen as I wait for some appetisers in the oven to finish. Everyone else is outside mingling making small talk. I watch as another group of people arrive and my stomach drops when I notice Ashley is part of that group. I didn't feel sad or even mad that she had shown her face, I just felt disgust. I'd spent a lot of time thinking over our friendship these past few months and it all made sense. She never really liked me, she was just using me. All the backhanded compliments she used to make, the sly digs she'd make about mine and Jacob's relationship, it all added up. I just couldn't figure out why she hated me so much, I'd never done anything to give her a reason to be such a bitch. But there again I think she just thrived on being a bitch.

The ping of the timer drags me out of my thoughts, walking over I grab the oven mit and take the tray out of the oven. Serving them up onto a plate I take a deep breath before heading outside. I walk straight over to where Laurie is at the large table and ask where she'd like them. She was still being overly nice which just unsettled me even more than I already was.

"Hey girl!" I hear Ashley call as she walks on over to me, Jacob by her side. I have to hold back from rolling my eyes and tearing her a new one, instead I put on a fake smile and decide to play her at her own game. She wasn't going to make me uncomfortable, she wasn't Jacob's girlfriend. I was and I was going to damn well show her.

"Hey bitch!" I joke walking over and pulling her into a hug. After she pulls away I put my focus on Jacob. "Hey Jakey" I lean over and plant a longing kiss on his lips. I open my left eye slightly to look and I can see the discomfort and annoyance on Ashley's face. This was going to be a fun night. After I pull away I glance behind them both and I see Andy by the barbecue. He saw the recent exchange between me and his son and I can see the hurt in his eyes. Maybe this night will not be so fun.

I can feel gazes staring at me all through the evening, if it wasn't Jacob it was Ashley and if it wasn't Ashley it was Andy and if it wasn't Andy it was Laurie. What was up with everyone tonight? I didn't like having this sort of attention on me, it was just unsettling.

It's just gone 7pm and Andy had started to get the fire pit out and lit as the cooler air was drawing in. The barbecue was in full swing and everyone seemed to be having a good time, well expect Ashley. I'd made sure to stick to my boyfriend like glue, she was not having the last laugh tonight, I was done with her silly little games.

"Ains please will you go grab me a drink from inside?" Ashley twines as she comes to sit on the other side of Jacob, I notice her nudging up closer to him.

"I'll go." Jacob abruptly answers before I have time to speak, clapping his hands on his knees before he rises from his seat. I see the disappointment in her eyes, she wants to be alone with him. "Aww Jakey you're the sweetest." I say in a sweet sarcastic tone scrunching my nose up at Ashley in a mocking but joking way. I swear I see her roll her eyes but I don't let it faze me at all. Jacob had made it obvious all night he didn't want to be around her so I'd decided to drop my guard and let it be.

If he was stupid enough to try anything with her here with all these people then let them. I'd mentally decided halfway through the party that I was going to end things with him when we got back to campus. It made me feel sick having to play the unknowing, airheaded girlfriend. I realised that the boy I was with now wasn't the Jakey I fell in love with, not only that but I could feel myself falling for somebody else. Somebody who I could never be with.

Feeling overwhelmed with my thought I needed an excuse to get away from everyone for a little while. "I'm just gonna hit the restroom." I say to Ashley as I stand walking away before she can answer, it was satisfying leaving her to sit all alone, even though I knew it wouldn't last. Bee lining for the stair I quickly make my way up them heading for the restroom.

After I lock myself in I put the lid down and sit, pulling my phone out and bringing up my chat log with Erin.

Messenger - Erin 👽

Erin I'm breaking up with Jake when I get back to campus tomorrow night. 🙈

Erin 👽:
About damn time girl!!! 💃🏼

Erin 👽:
What's brought this on? I thought you said you didn't want to break up? 🤔

Yeah I know but somethings happened this weekend...

Erin 👽:
Did you catch him with Ashley again? I swear I wanna end this bitch 👊🏼

No... no nothing like that 🙈

Erin 👽:
Then what is it? Is it his parents? 🤨

I mean technically you could say it's because of a parent 🙈

Erin 👽:
Ok enough of cryptic messages, there is juice here and I want the juice 🥤

I go reply when I hear a light knock on the door, I slightly jump in my seat. Quickly putting my phone away I flush the toilet and run the taps before coming to the door, to my surprise I see Andy leaning on the doorframe waiting for me.

"Andy?" I ask slightly confused "What are you doing-"

"I didn't like seeing you being so cosy with Jacob. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel, seeing you being so doting with him?" His tone harsh, I could tell he was upset about this afternoon.

"I'm going to break up with him when I get back to campus tomorrow." I can see the joy in his eyes, but it's quickly followed by annoyance. Without any warning he lunging towards me grabbing my face and pulls me in, our lips come crashing together. I can't help but let a small moan escape my lips as he pushes me back into the bathroom. Using his foot he kicks the door closed behind him then reaches behind locking it.

After a few seconds I push away, stepping back a little, creating distance between us.

"You can't do that?"

"Can't do what?"

"You can't break up with him."

"Why not? Incase you've forgotten your son has been cheating on me with my best friend and tonight just made me realise how much of an idiot I am for staying with him." He takes my face in his hands, gently stroking his thumbs on my cheeks.

"Look I don't like it either, but how am I supposed to see you again if the only thing keeping us connected breaks." I can see where he is coming from but this whole situation just makes us as bad as them.

"We shouldn't be doing any of this." I sigh deeply, I know what I was saying was the right thing but deep down I knew it's not what I wanted.

Andy doesn't say anything, he steps aside giving me full access to leave but I don't. Instead I just look at him, he can see the desperation in my eyes. Stepping closer, his eyes burning into me. He takes in all my features, really just looking at me.

"I won't do it. I won't break up with him if it means we can't see each other anymore." I barley whisper, his thumb comes to stroke my cheek gently.

"Good girl." He coos, making me weak at the knees.

"If we do this Andy... then nobody can know." Was I really going to do this? Everything screamed no but there was just a small flicker of hope that this could somehow work. I look him in the eye then my gaze drops to his lips, his tongue licking his lower lip slowly, teasing me almost.

"This will just be our little secret."

a/n: spoiler who's ready for some smut in the next chapter 😉 I know I am 😜

Okay I can confirm Andy and Ainsley's saucy little affair will go into full swing 😉

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