Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 26 ~:FINAL:~

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Sasuke’s eyes bore into mine, and I could see in my head the two ways this could go depending on my answer and how I worded my reason. I could either hurt him, worse than he already was, or I could make him the happiest man on earth- those were my two options in front of me.

“Yes.” Sasuke’s eyes shone for a moment, and he reached up to caress my cheek. “But,” He went ridged, his whole body turning to stone. I raised my hand to cup his, which was frozen on my cheek still, hoping to calm him down. “Not now.” Sasuke’s lips turned into a tight line.

“Ayame, that’s impossible. This is the only chance we have.” I shook my head, snuggling into his palm.

“Sasuke, I’m willing to give everything up for you, including my life. Can you not give me this one pleasure? I want to try and ease into retirement, and I think people would get suspicious if I turn up one day pregnant. People don’t see me as that type of person.” Sasuke sighed, pulling me onto his lap. I let him, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Women, always making things complicated.” I ignored his jab, letting him think. So there we sat, silence hovering over us, although I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Sometimes being with the person you love is nice, no kissing, no sensual touching, just simply being in the company of the other is enough.

After who knows how long, Sasuke pressed his lips to the top of my head. “I understand where you’re coming from, although, this isn’t as simple as you’re making it out to be.” I shrugged, tilting my head up and kissing a random place on his jaw.

“Who said I thought it was simple? I know how complicated this is all going to be. We have to be careful, or we’re both going to be in trouble.” I didn’t bother to mention how much trouble. It was obvious that I’d be interrogated, and after not giving up anything, I’d be killed. Well, that’s what I expected, and I’m sure Sasuke was as aware as I was.

“I’m sorry.” I laughed, threading my fingers through his.

“You’ve said that already.” Sasuke pressed a few butterfly kisses on my cheek, causing me to blush, before we started organising.

“How long do you think you’ll need to feel ready?” I thought about it for a moment, going through outcomes in my head.

“I need enough time to destroy my reputation, at least a little.” Sasuke’s grip tightened around me,

“I don’t want you being with anyone else in this time, Ayame.” I laughed, and his grip loosened in response.

“I won’t, don’t worry. I wouldn’t lead anyone on like that, it’d be impossible for me. And, I wouldn’t be able to put either of us through that.”

“Good.” I thought longer, trying to come up with an actual time period.

“Perhaps a year or two.” Sasuke was silent, obviously trying to fit a break in his schedule to fit with mine.

“I can fit in a break around the middle of that, so, a year and a half?” I nodded, agreeing easily.


“Hm?” I squealed as he fell onto his back, pulling me with him. Putting a hand on his chest, I lifted myself to speak.

“I was thinking… I want to get thoughts of you sealed.” The corners of Sasuke’s mouth flittered down into a frown, confused.

“So you won’t be able to talk about me?” I smiled a little, hoping he’d understand.

“If I get caught one day, and kept hostage-“

“You won’t be.” Sasuke’s interruption was firm- harsh, even.

“I know.” The reply I gave was soft, trying to combat his negativity. “This is a ‘if’ situation- I’m thinking ahead.” With no complaint, I continued. “I don’t want people knowing anything that could put you in danger.” There was silence.

“Hn.” Smiling, I rested my head on his chest, ready to sleep. “Ayame,” I felt him sling an arm over me, “I won’t let anything happen to you.” My smile grew, and I snuggled in.

“I know.


Returning to the village, I was just about ready to die. The heat had almost killed me, but the walk back was worse. The weather had changed from hot, to cold, to cloudy and humid, to raining.

“I’m so done with solo missions.” I complained, dragging myself into my house and slamming the door shut behind me. The house was silent, as expected. Sighing, I kicked off my sandals and plodded to the bathroom wanted to have a shower to try and wash away the annoyance.

Once I was undressed, I took a moment to stare at the tattoo under my tongue, where it couldn’t be seen. While with Sasuke, he’d managed to organise a short notice sealing. It helped that the Sachiko Inn was affiliated with the Akatsuki, if anything, they helped us book the times and keep things under wraps.

I’d then gotten all thoughts of Sasuke sealed. I could still recall memories and such, but the purpose of the seal was to stop anyone else from prying around. Of course, it’d be suspicious if anyone was to stumble across the block, but at least then I would be the only one in trouble. Sasuke would be safe, and that was what mattered.

Hoping in the shower, I ran a hand through my hair, before realising I was smiling.

Everything is okay.

Everything is okay.

Everything is okay.

Those lines repeated, over and over. Letting out a breath, my spirit soured.

“Everything is perfect.”


I'm just gonna leave this here while I go and cry. It's been fun guys, but it's finally over. Thank you for sticking with me this long, despite my lack of uploads at times >.> There will be one more chapter, an epilogue I guess, but technically, it's over. 

I hope this is good enough, and yeah, I'm officially really sad, because I didn't want it to end. But, here it is. 

thank you for reading xx

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