Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 15

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I walked slowly to the training fields, trying to draw out the walk.

All too soon, I reached the training field.

“Ayame!” Naruto called, rushing to my side. I smiled weakly at him,

“Hey, Naruto.” He frowned, noticing my depressed aura.

Wow, I thought, I must be pretty depressed if Naruto of all people could sense it.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, worry etched into his face, “Is it something the Akatsuki did? Or even…” He squeezed his eyes shut, before quickly shaking his head. Almost as if he was refusing to acknowledge something.

He opened his sea blue eyes again and stared at me, expecting an answer. I just gave him the fake smile that I’d had to use oh-so many times before.

“I’m alright.”

“Ayame!” I heard a female call behind me. The corners of my mouth twitched downwards for a fraction of a second before springing upright once again.

“Sakura!” I sung, turning to face her. I noticed Sai calmly jogging behind her, not even out of breath.

“Are you alright?” The pinkett asked. I sighed, wondering if they thought I was still the helpless little genin I was before. “Oh! Uh,” Sakura quickly corrected herself, seeing the look on my face, “I mean, y’know… Are you alright to come to training? I know your strong and all but…” I looked up at her, expecting her to finish her sentence.

“You got captured by the Akatsuki, that in itself must’ve been traumatising.” Sai inputted, not a trace of emotion in his voice.

My eye twitched when I remember Hidan carrying me away half naked.

“Not so much traumatising, more like something I’d punch someone over the head for.” Sai, Naruto and Sakura all gave me a blank look.

I stared back at them blankly,

“… What?” Naruto asked, raising an eye brow. I just shrugged,

“Don’t worry, nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”

“Hey people.” I heard Kakashi’s voice from behind me greet, “Seen any old woman lately? If you do, and if their trying to cross the street, then help them. It’s the ‘in thing’ these days. Makes you popular with the ladies.” Everyone, including myself, sweat dropped.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Naruto murmured, his eye twitching as he did so.

While everyone was re-thinking Kakashi’s IQ, I was mentally preparing myself for what was to come.

“Guys!” I announced, when the buzzing in my ear died down, I realised that I had interrupted their conversation. I swallowed, it was now or never.

“What is it?” Kakashi asked looking up from his book. I looked up at everyone, sorrow constricted around my chest, making it hard to breathe.

“I’m… I’m due to go back to my village…” There was silence,

“You’re village?” Sakura echoed,

“You mean the one you ran away to?” Naruto asked. I gave him a hurt look,

“I didn’t run away! I had to go there Naruto, to get stronger!” He put his hands up to say he surrendered,

“Sorry, sorry!”

“But you just got back…” Kakashi murmured, placing his book into his pouch. I was surprised, I was expecting Naruto and Sakura to have this reaction.

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