Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 19

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It was weird looking through the mask, but I noticed that each mask was considerably different from the other. Mine, had ears that poked out on the top of the mask, with stitches that ran from the inside of the head, down to the eyeholes, which were ringed with red. The mask had a black nose, and a long mouth. It held an odd resemblance to a wolf, ironically.

“Ayame, are you ready?” Naruto’s voice was muffled by his own mask, and when I turned I was only slightly surprised with his mask. It was sharp featured, with narrow eyes and ears. His markings were orange, and the nose was low and black, along with his mouth. Like mine, his mask resembled an animal, a fox.

“Yea,” I turned to everyone behind me, which was Sai, Sakura and, of course, Naruto. “Are all of you?”

Naruto replied with an enthusiastic ‘Yea!’, while Sakura and Sai were more calm about their own confirmations. I couldn’t help but admire Sai’s mask as he answered.

It was plain, yet interesting. The eyes were large, making the expression constantly surprised. The nose was small and rounded, along with the mouth. Around the edges of his mask, his markings were black, apart from one red, crescent moon shaped marking on each side of the face. I loved the unique look of his mask, to say the truth.

Sakura’s mask looked a little like an owl’s face, with two dots under each eyehole, and a red triangle for the beak. Red markings covered the white areas of the mask that would be otherwise plain. Hers was odd, but I still thought it was unique in its own way.

“We should get going, then.” I took in a breath and tried to unearth the leadership skills I had gained from leading the hunting groups from my home village. Scratch that, my old village. Konaha is my home, and that will never change.

I jumped slightly when I felt a hand placed on my shoulder, and I turned. It was Naruto, and although I couldn’t see his face, his crystal blue eyes were clear through the holes in his mask. “Let’s go, Ayame.” The words were demanding, but the tone was encouraging. I felt a small smile creep onto my face, and I nodded.

“Right.” I raised my hand, signalling for everyone to pay attention. “Scatter!”


My breathes came out in short pants as another snake lunged at me, ignoring the blade of my katana’s as they were held out in front of me. We’d had to fight from the get-go, and the chakra usage was taking its toll. I had never imagined the Uchiha clan’s forests to be so dangerous, and it also made me curious on what they were hiding to guard their little hideout so well.

“Pull out!” I shouted, and watched as Sai’s bird swooped, allowing an easy exit for us. Naruto and Sakura jumped, and so did I, but unlike them I didn’t manage to make it to Sai’s bird.

“Ayame!” Sakura screeched, reaching for me as I fell. I clicked my tongue, but wasn’t stressed about my little hiccup. As I landed, a large spider latched onto my jacket. I swatted at it, acting overly feminine for the situation I was stuck in.

“Look out!” I faintly heard Naruto bellow, and I did as I was told, jumping to the side as the giant snake hissed and shot out. Stupid thing, couldn’t aim for its life. My hands were a blur as hand signs were made,

“Ice style, crystallisation!” I shouted, before my hair slowly lifted from an invisible wind. I closed my eyes and focused, using the last of my chakra to pull off the jutsu. I felt the spider on my jacket stop moving, before it started to get progressively heavy. I ignored it, though. Instead, I focused on everything else around me, the bigger objects, for example.

Faint murmurs were heard in the background, but I ignored it. When I thought it was safe, I opened my eyes to what could only be described, for me, as a winter wonderland. Ice covered every aspect around me, including the giant snake.

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