Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 11

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I started losing weight from then on, a few days past and pretty much every Akatsuki member came in to try and force feed me. All but the leader and Itachi, though I had no idea why. It seemed as if I had become pretty close with them all, even though I refused to talk to them.

Tobi would prance in and go on about a dream that he had the night before and ask how I was doing. I wouldn’t answer but he wouldn’t pay it any mind.

Deidara would come in and discuss his art views with me, his outlook on it was rather one-sided but I didn’t understand half the things he was talking about so how can I judge?

Konan would come in sometimes and do my hair in a braid or something. I liked her, she was nice. Sometimes I’d grunt and she’d seem proud that I was even acknowledging her.

The rest was pretty much boring, Sasori only came in when necessary but didn’t really talk. I learned that he was a puppet though. Very strange.

Currently, my weak body is getting it’s much needed sleep. I hardly get any around here because of the paranoia and the discomfort of being starved.

I weakly opened my eyes when I heard someone walk into the room and stand in front of me. I barely had enough strength the raise my head to see who it was. I blinked when I saw an orange haired man with purple eyes,

The leader.

I thought,

“I see that you are rebelling against me.” He started, “I don’t see the point. Sasuke will come whether you are dead or not.” I glared at him weakly, I licked my chapped lips as he placed a bowl of rice in front of me, “I advise you eat now or you won’t be fed again for another week.” I didn’t respond. I just closed my eyes and drooped my head. A silent message passed between us,

You’re not going to win.

I never lose foolish girl.

And then he walked out of the room.


I slowly opened my eyes from a restless nights sleep. I blinked a few times and looked up, I was shocked to see Itachi was sitting in front of me cross legged. He nodded,

“Good morning Ayame.” I let my head droop as I lost my last ounce of energy. I saw a hand reach down and grab a bowl of steaming rice and some chopsticks. My mouth watered when a heavenly smell entered my nose, Itachi held a clump of rice on his chop sticks,

“Eat, and I’m not taking no for an answer.” I shut my eyes firmly, “Would Sasuke want to see you like this?” My eyes slowly opened and I looked at the rice, he’s right, Sasuke would be heartbroken. I hesitantly opened my mouth. Itachi, surprisingly, put the rice in my mouth gently. I closed my mouth and moaned as the taste erupted in my mouth.

I heard Itachi chuckle before feeding me some more,

“Is this all they feed you guys?” I asked when I was finished. My voice was raspy and sounded unused. Itachi didn’t pay it any mind and set the bowl down on the ground,

“Iie, it’s what we feed the prisoners.” I smirked when I saw Itachi pick up a fish cake and put it in his mouth,

“I see.” Itachi nodded,

“Your food portion will slowly increase; you’ll die if I give you a full meal now.” I blinked,


“Because your digestive system isn’t used to digesting all this food at once. You have to slowly build up.” I nodded and drooped my head. It was silent while Itachi ate; when he was done he set his bowl down and stared at me,

“I don’t want to be here.” I muttered,

“Who would be here willingly?” He asked while sounding annoyed. I blinked a few times,

“Wait… that means… you don’t want to be here?” I looked up to stare at the older Uchiha. His face stayed emotionless but his eyes flashed with surprise. He thought that I wouldn’t catch him out. I closed his eyes and stood, his attitude turned hostile and… vulnerable?

Why? I thought as he picked up the empty dishes, Why does he feel like that? Was it something I said? Itachi gave me a final look before he walked out of the room,

“He’s weird.” I thought out loud as I stared at the door, “But Sasuke seems more and more like him by the second.”


“~Ayame-chaaaan!~” I heard the familiar she-male sing as he skipped into the room. He held a plate of sushi in his hand. I eyed it as he approached, but, as usual, he plonked his but in front of me and held the food to my mouth, “~Open wide!~” I gritted my teeth and turned my head away. He stared at me blankly for a second,

“I want Ita-“ I was interrupted as Deidara shoved the sushi into my mouth. He watched me in chibi as I tried to dislodge the food from my throat. I swallowed hard and panted as I tried to regain my breath. I glared at the beaming blonde,

“Uchiha said you were eating again, but I guess it takes a little encouragement. Yeah.” I growled,

“I don’t even-“ Once again the food was shoved in my mouth. My eye twitched as Deidara grinned happily, that grin disappeared as I spat the sushi onto his face,

“As I was saying, I don’t even like sushi.” Deidara sweat dropped,

“Is that so? I go through all this trouble because Uchiha said you weren’t happy with just rice!” He exclaimed as he put the plate on the ground and glared intensly at it,

“Gomen gomen, but- Wait… Itachi told you?” Deidara sighed and nodded,

“Hai. Anyway, there’s only one thing this is good for now.” I blinked,

“What?” Deidara gave me a sly smile and picked the plate up. I watched him as he stood,

“Art, is fleeting!” He exclaimed as he threw the plate of sushi into the wall like it was a ninja star, “KATSU~!” He yelled as the plate shattered into millions of pieces against the stone wall. The mice and rats approached cautiously; sniffed the remains before digging into the disgusting fish filled food.

Deidara sighed and turned to me,

“Believe it or not but we’re expect Sasuke tomorrow. So be ready, he won’t be getting away.” My eyes widened as Deidara left.

Is he serious?! Sasuke is coming tomorrow! I looked at the ground panicked. I turned around to see if there was a place that Sasuke and I could escape from when he came, completely forgetting about Deidara’s warning. My eyes widened at what I saw.

A giant statue with three eyes open, there were nine all together. They were all looking at me! It’s mouth was right behind and wide open, showing a number of sharp weapons pointing at me. There were giant bugs climbing on the statue, much like the ones in the forest of death. The statue had demonic horns placed on top of it head and shaggy hair. I slowly looked down, and to my horror, the pedestal I was placed on was on a track leading right into the mouth of the statue, where all the weapons were waiting. I looked around me in horror as I started to see the dried blood that was scattered on my pedestal, it was hardly noticeable but it was there. My eyes started to see more and more, whether it was my brain making things up or not, it still scared the heck outta me. I shuddered and looked at the ground with wide eyes,

“So many people… So many people have died here.” I whispered to myself, “This is a place of death.” I looked up and stared at a wall, “And I could be next.”


Woop woop! Ok, I just wanted to thank you all, i am in the 100's for fan fiction. I want to make it into the 2 diget (sp? I fail at spelling XD) numbers now! Come on! Just vote! Click one button! It's not that hard. Then comment! Doesn't have to be much! Tell me it sucks for all I care!!! Just comment! ANYWAY enough of me beggin xD I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wasn't going to upload, but hey, why not? but here you are ^-^

Ja ne my fellow wattpadians :)

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