Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 3

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We plodded through the thick snow, the sound ninja grunted in effort. I ignored him though, it’s his fault for coming here.


“Well that was easy.” Aikio commented as we walked back to the village, it’s tradition to leave the hostage in the shack for the wolves and bears to eat, “He cracked after five threats!” He laughed, I sighed and smiled,

“Did you ask him?”

“Hm?” Aikio glanced at me with a confused expression,

“Did you ask him?” I repeated, “You know, about…” I hesitated, “Uchiha.” Aikio hates Sasuke’s name,

“Why would I?” He asked, “That little rat doesn’t deserve you. After all, you’re mine.” He wrapped his arm around me possessively; I repressed the urge to gag,

“But, wouldn’t you do it for me?” I asked quietly, I heard him growl slightly,

“Ayame.” He warned, “You say one more word and I swear…” He trailed off, I closed my eyes and gripped the Uchiha symbol hanging on my neck, “That’s it!” He yelled, we had reached the village and a few people turned their heads to see what the commotion was about. Aikio raised an open hand and I got ready to defend myself,

“Ayame!” I heard someone call, Aikio froze and so did I, “Ayame!” I turned my head to see Rina running my way,

“Oh, hey Riri-chan.”

“Hn.” She stopped in front of me and glared at Aikio, “I came here to tell you something but I see that I’ve interrupted Aikio-baka’s beating.”

“Hey!” He exclaimed, “She was going on about that Uchiha!” Rina poked his chest with an angered look on her face,

“So what if she was!? We. Don’t. Hit. Our. Own.” She poked his chest at every pause, he growled at her,

“Now listen here you little runt-“ A loud smacking noise echoed throughout the village then, my hand flew to my mouth from surprise,

“R-Rina-chan!” I gasped, Aikio was just as surprised at Rina’s sudden attack,

“Y-You slapped me!” He murmured, “You slapped me!” Rina giggled,

“Oh! Look at the time! The elder’s probably going to be angry with me for taking so long. Come on Ayame,” She grabbed my hand and pulled me away, “The elder wants you. Turns out you’ve got a letter.” I cocked my head to the side,

“A letter? From who?” Rina shrugged,

“How am I to know? He just says that it’s really important.” I sighed and nodded, I wonder what it could be.


“Come in.” The elder called,

“It’s me.” I responded as I entered the small tent, the elder grinned at me,

“Ah yes, I have a letter for you.” He held out a small envelope, I hesitantly took it,

“The Leaf Village?” I muttered after I read the front,

“Hai.” I sighed and opened it,


Hey, it’s Kakashi. Look, Naruto’s back and Sakura’s finished her training so the hokage was thinking, maybe we should but squad 7 back together eh? The only problem is, is that you’re not here.

Ok, look, I’ll get to the point. I want you to come back so we can all reunite. I know that one of us will be missing but that can be ignored. So, pack your bags and get your butt over her young lady!

From ‘Kaka sensei’

I grinned down at the paper,

“So?” the elder asked, “What is it?” I looked up,

“My old sensei wants me to go back to Konaha and join them again.” The elder stroked his beard,

“Well if that’s what you want.” I nodded,

“I do, I want to go back.” He grinned,

“Well alright, but you have to be back here in a few weeks, the wedding’s soon and we need to get you ready.” My excitement dulled,

“Hai…” I murmured,

“Also, I want someone to escort you.”I frowned,

“I can make it myself though…” The elder waved me off,

“I know that child! I want Rina to go with you; it’ll be good experience for her. And I know that she’ll be able to remember her way home. Let her stay there for about a day, that’ll be enough time for her to rest up then send her back.” I sighed and nodded,


“Ok, go get packing!” I grinned and nodded,

“Arigato.” He waved me off,

“Think nothing of it.” I nodded again and hurried out of the room,

“Arigato again old man.”

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