Chapter Seventeen

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The lord's castle stands before us like a craggy mountain. Goblins, trolls, ogres, redcaps, evil fairies and many more terrifying creatures surround the grounds.

Looking up, I see a pulsating blue globe atop the tallest tower. And beside it is the silhouette of a figure. 'The Great Destroyer.'

'Let's get up there,' says Hank, 'and kick his b --'

'Can't you see what's in front of us,' says Rachel. 'There's no way we're getting in.'

'We've had success so far,' says Emily. 'We can do it.'

'Success? I was almost turned into a vampire,' says Rachel, 'Mr Nos turned to stone and Peni got kidnapped by an ogre.'

'I agree with Emily,' says Eddy. 'We can do it.'

'What other choice do we have?' I say.

Peni smiles. 'Oh, there's another choice. Being that my d --'

'Don't even,' snaps Eddy. 'Just get to the point.'

'My dad needs to be available for the lord at any time so there's a teleporter at my home and it's connected to another in my dad's office in there.' Peni nods to the castle.

'So what you're saying is we don't have to go through that to get inside?' says Rachel, nodding to all the beasts.

'That's right.'

'Perfect,' I say joyously. 'What are we waiting for?'

Ten minutes later, we get to a street of huge row houses. Peni's home is the one with the green windows and door. And it's like the Magical Institution inside. There's marble everywhere and chandeliers, too.

'Mom? Dad?' Peni whispers.

No answer.

We go upstairs and find them in their bedroom. They've been turned to stone like everyone else in the city.

Peni tears up. 'Don't worry, we'll get you back to normal.'

I give him some time before asking, 'Sorry, Peni, but we need to get to the teleporter?'

'Yes. F-f-follow me.'

His dad's office is as big as my living room and kitchen combined. It's massive. There are countless books, rolled up scrolls, two fireplaces (Is that necessary?) and a huge map of the city painted on one of the walls.

'There it is,' says Peni, nodding to the corner.

'No, that's a wardrobe,' says Rachel.

'It looks like a wardrobe but it's the teleporter. On the other end is my dad's office in the castle.'

Eddy goes over, grabs the wardrobe's handles and tries opening it. It doesn't budge.

'Ooh, I wouldn't do that if I were you,' Peni says eagerly.

Eddy doesn't listen and tries more forcefully, shaking the wardrobe this time and making it rock.

Peni raises his voice. 'Honestly, don't do that.'

Suddenly, and with a bang, Eddy is blown into the air. He does a few somersaults before hitting the floor with a crunch.

'EDDY!' we all shout.

'Slithering silly snakes,' gasps Hank, putting his hands on his cheeks.

'Are you all right?' says Emily, rushing over to him.

He's fine.

'What was that?' I ask, turning to Peni

'The wardrobe has a security feature,' he answers. 'That was it.'

The Magic School for the Utterly Hopeless (Completed/First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now