Chapter 4: Angel Face

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I was getting ready for sleep when my phone rang ......

** Cause I know your Lie (lie) your lips are movin , boy don't you think Im dumb***

"Hello who is this ??"

" oh hi babe , having good night..."

"What the ?! NATSU !!! How did you get my number , LEVY GAVE YOU DIDN'T SHE !! "

"Please don't yell at me , I'm not deaf you know ? Is he chuckling ?!?


[Natsu's POV]

I called lucy that night, i was kinda missin her ,kinda .

Oh by the way I got her number from Levy I pleaded to her like kneel down , give her candies,

but the thing that made Levy give Lucy's number is when I gave her the lastest book about you know ....... Love pocket books ......

"What the ?! NATSU !!! How did you get my number , LEVY GAVE YOU DIDN'T SHE !! "

"Please don't yell at me , I'm not deaf you know ?" Jeez this this girl always shouts

"What do you want Natsu , i already want to go sleep *yawn*
Will you tell it already ....."

"Nothing , I just want to hear your voice before I go to sleep you know,I miss you "

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