Chapter 13 : The guy

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I delicate this chapter to my new best friends I met just 4-7 days ago Follow them as well @FairytailMadoshi19 , @sabertoothsting and lastly @ENDEtheriousDragneel .
Hi sunshine 。^‿^。.

[Levy's POV]

THE nerve of that guy. I can't get over what happened..... but what shocked me is how I acted... it wasn't me.

Maybe because I suddenly remembered what that freaking Hibiki did to Lu-Chan. Imagine he just left her when she needs him the most?! .

Anyway I heard Lucy is gonna go to school today. I wanna pick her up, first I know she wakes up early but I also want to take her to a diner.Second I wanna ask her if she is okay now. So I did my normal morning routine, took a bath , combed my hair, put a bandana on it to hold my bangs, wear my favorite colored dress. ORANGE.

After bidding goodbye to my mom. I went walking to the bus stop, when after a few minutes a guy with piercing and had black hair, came. I never saw this guy before, I actually memorized the people coming here at the bus stop. Then a sound of a snap broke my trance, he snapped his fingers right in front of me .

"You know staring is bad." He looked back on the road.

I blushed in embarrassment , seeing me staring at him. What was I even staring him for.

After a few more awkward minutes, the bus a arrived, he got in first then I followed.

Geez, talk about being a gentleman.

I seated at the middle part of the bus, then he sat near the door maybe he has a short stop.But then he suddenly stood, then he started walking.... to me?, he was looking at me while walking. Take note I bet there are only 4 passenger on the bus, including him and me.

"Duck" what? Why duck? Do I look like a duck ? This guy is rude.

But then he just grabbed me and pinned me down the floor. Suddenly there was a great big explosion that made the glasses shatter.

I didn't scream but I closed my my eyes tight even the strangers hold was tight. He was hugging me protectively ,I felt safe in his grip.

Screams and yells surround me. The man and old woman that was the other two passenger luckily wasn't harmed.

"I told you to duck, Shorty"
He told me looking me in the eye and had a straight face.

Oh that was what we went by duck....I thought the animal.

But wait shorty?

" well I'll be going, take care of yourself , be conscious of your surroundings. Later shrimp."
He stood up and brushed the bits of glasses on his back, waving off he came down the bus and glanced at me before leaving me completely clue less.

I just managed to say..... "what just happened ?"

After that I just remember I was gonna pick up Lucy but then I remembered I have Natsu's number....I texted him to do it for me...... the guy......he saved me.... I gotta know him.


Yeah pretty SHORT, hahahahaha levy is totally gonna hate me. Well till nest time folks I'll be going. ヽ('▽`)/\(^O^)/

See ya next chap.

Oh wait I have one thing to add now every end of the story.

Its........*drum roll*



*Could you guess who the guy is? Even though it's pretty obvious.
*what could be the next chap? About Nalu or __le?

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