Chapter 6:Eavesdropping

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Dedicated to @Enchantress350

[ Natsu's POV]

" Thats really why I called up here , its because I know you'll not show up. I desperately wanted you to show up soI used the loud speaker , I....I......


[Normal's POV]

Both of them were completely shocked even Natsu, Dead silence and a weird atmosphere was taking place both of them speechless. Lucy was the who broke the silence.

"Na-natsu , w-what do y-you mean ... Date....."

Natsu was thinking , how to back up his question. He finally made up an answer.

"L-Lucy , this was real intention . To ask you on a 'little-get-together-gathering-date' , it actually a get-to-know-well-each-other-date ..... Um I- no, Can I ??? "

Lucy still processing whats he's saying .

[Natsu's POV]

Man I gotta convince her , thus could be opportunity to tell Gray it's a date .....

"Fine , I agree I'll go with you-"

"Really that's great so tomorrow after class I'll -"

But she cutted me off, putting her index finger to my lips .

"I'm not finished yet . I'm come with you , but i will bring My friends with me ( Ezra, Levy,Juvia ) Cause I'm not used to go with someone ne Alone ..."

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