Chapter 18: Somethings aren't meant to be.

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Sometimes Lucy can kill me just by making me worry.

I mean who in the right mind would wonder off like that?! So reckless not to mention insanely dangerous.

Im now here in the Heartfilia's mansion, sitting down on their massive reddish sofa, with her brother, sister and father, and it looks like they're on the edge of going insane.

"I think we should already contact the military.. Or.. Or the SF... Or better yet anounce it in television!" Luke declared  clearly looking devastated and hysterical , pacing since an hour ago infront of us. And I think Ashley had enough of it.

She threw a pillow at him and he glared as he catched the cushion.

"You're over reacting Luke, I know that you worry that much but we all are too, Im concerned that Lucy might be in danger. She's not like Ashley ,who's well enough to handle herself on the streets.." Mr. Jude started , sighing in defeat he slumped on his chair and pressed his temples on the knuckles.

They all looked so worried when suddenly the massive doors opened and revealed Lucy..

Her hands intertwined with Natsu's.. Wait.. Does this mean...

But before I questioned that I threw myself at Lucy crying my eyes out and hugging her tight.

"L..Levy..chan.. C-Can't.. Breaaatheee.." She softly taps my shoulders and I released her.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Surprisingly it wasn't just my voice, and everyone else's voice synchronized with mine.

She just gave a nervous laugh and her eyes avoiding ours.

She told that she was hurt when natsu left her at her room without saying anything ,then she said she started wondering off. Then she got home, how? She didn't tell. Natsu confessed and done.

As her family continues bombarding them with endless questions and threats (mostly on natsu) my phone rang with a favorite song of mine..

Take me to wonderland ~
Take me to~
Take me to ~
Take me to wonderland ~

I took my phone and looked on the caller's ID but it's just numbers..

I wonder who this is..

"Hello? Who is this?" I whispered as I excused myself and went to their garden full of different kinds of flowers.

But I didn't get any reply. It stayed silent on the other line , when I was about to end the call someone suddenly sighed, more of a satisfied one.

"Good thing to know yar safe , Next time don't go lashin' out your house and not even tellin' your parents" he said it irritably, clicking his tongue and making a tsk sound as I think he continues chewing somekind of food or ...wood?

"Oi shrimp you still there? Kinda askin' here" his voice softens and it now sounded more fluid like or is it just me..

I stuttered first but regained my voice "w-who are you! I don–"

It suddenly struck me. This voice its the same man that saved me on the bus! He was the one who covered me with those..protective arms..wait why am I thinking that in the moment?!

"I guess you remembered me now huh , Gihihi , Well now i know your safe with your friend I'll leave ya be. Till next time , Shrimp" and with that he ended the call.

A wave of different emotions clashed with me and I was left confused , worried and a bit happy..

I tried to dial his number back but it can't be reached anymore.

With this sensation new to me, I left the heartfillia mansion with an untamed feeling.

Lucy tried to offer me a ride home but I declined , I new her family would be intriguing them well mostly Natsu though.

As I walk one alley away from the mansion , I heard footsteps , and saw shadows on men behind me.

I turned my head to look at them.

Wearing black suits and hats , carrying a suitcase withthem. Their black glasses shines when a light shines on it, still not revealing the eyes behind it.

At first I thought they were following me but then they passed by me shoving me making me fall on my feet.

"Ouch.. Hey it's rude to shove people around!" Crap.

I shouldn't have said that. Stupid Levy.

With that said, they stopped and turned around. They started walking up to me.

Shit basket...

I tried to run but I suddenly felt something covering my nose and mouth.

Crap, they are trying to drug me!!

I held my breath to somehow minimize the time it'll take effect. But being weak I couldn't stand it no more..

But before I could loose my conscience.. I heard a loud thud, something hit the floor. I tried to open my eyes and look around..

Then ..I saw ..  a glint of black..  Red..and silver..

My eyes might be groggy and unclear... But I hear his voice as clear as water.

I will never forget his voice..

"Gihi, You're safe now shrimp.. You're safe now. Go to sleep fella' .."I felt my back touch the same arms that had saved me before.. Has saved me once again.

And with that my eyes felt heavy, my vision became dark as that night.. And with his words.. I fell asleep.

Tada~ its a bit SHORT but its a progress. Its kinda rude leaving our other LITTLE fellas alone . Their ship must be done~

And i loveddddd~ the SHRIMP I had for lunch yesterday delicious. ^~^ till next time folks.

And yeah its really helpful and inspiring people who comments. It boosts the inner writer , it inspires us to write or continue our work its a awesome thing.

So like , comment.  And share thats all byebye~  ^∆^

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