Chapter 11: I never Imagined......

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I dedicate this chapter to kawaiipotato789 and Nalu4life123 for the people who encourages me THANK YOU SO MUCH, LOVE YA.

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Levy spoke between her gritted teeth, fist  tightened to ball and her body trembling..........

But not fear but of  so much anger.

"I asked you HIBIKI, what the hell are you doing here!!!!!" Levy shouted at him and grab him by the collar of his shirt,


I tried  to make her  lessen the grip on his shirt,  when I look on Hibiki's face is emotionless, void. I was trying to calm levy down, I tried pulling her away from Hibiki but she won't budge. So I ran as fast as I could to get help, lucky enough Loke was at the just about to enter the door.

I shouted as loud as I can while still running, he stopped and rushed to me asking what happened. I didn't have the luxury of time to explain, so I just grab his wrist and run back to them.

'I wish Levy hadn't killed him yet ....'  this was my only thought while motioning Loke to go faster.

We saw them, levy trying to strangle Hibiki, and then Hibiki's face was still void of any emotion.

"Levy!!  Stop.....please...... calm down."

I softly spoke to her as Loke was —forcefully, but gently at the same time—making Levy loose the grip, and when she let go she hugged me all her might, which made me flinch at her sudden action.

"Levy-Chan, what's wrong.......tell me..."

"Lu-chan ....*sob* come on don't  tell me you forgot what he did to you!  He....he....he— AIN'T WORTH OF ANY KINDNESS AND FORGIVENESS FROM YOU!!!!"

Her voice raise while looking at me with eyes full of sadness,anger,and pain . I pat her head And slowly said

"Levy, would hating him for the rest of my life bring anything good ?"


"Nothing good right... I didn't forget what he did it's just ,I already forgave him for what he did to me , cause hatred will just be anotber burden to carry, don't you think I deserve a peace of mind? "

After I finished Levy started crying again  ,sobbing and sobbing, I just whispered her to hush and it took  a while till she completely settled. Loke suggested he took both of them home, I was still looking for signs of pain in Hibiki's face yet he really didn't show any.

While walking away Hibiki grabbed my hand and the words he said left me standing there .

"Lucy, I still love you and I really do, I just wish you really remember"


[Night: Inside Lucy's room]

If I  just really remember ...... what does he mean by that, I never forgot…………didn't I?

I was seating at edge of my bed thinking what did he meant by that, when I heard someone knocking and asking permission to enter.I granted the person to come in and Loke was wearing a soft warm smile.

"Princess, are okay now, you just woke  up and yet your day was just troublesome "

He sat kneeled in front of me, he held my hand and look me in the eyes.

Loke Leo,  Weird name isn't it but it fits him, he was my personal budyguard or rather he call himself my Butler, but he was my friend ,I didn't see him as a servant. He was like my brother; my best friend .

"I'm fine Loke, No need to worry, how long was I out. I hope I didn't miss any classes have I? "

He let out a soft giggle and stood up.

" I say you out for 2 days and 2 hours , since Saturday  has no classes,  you just miss the classes at Friday , Jeez you just woke up and school pops in your mind. Now go to sleep you have classes tomorrow..... "

He walk away and closed the door,  his faint steps only heard and then faded to complete silence. I was ready and tucked in bed when my phone rang,  lazy enough ,I didn't bother to know who it was.

"Hello..... who is this...."
"Hey, so your okay now? ..... "

I was sleepy, but when I heard his voice , I jolted and and mind was awake..... Then I looked in the caller Id.

"Na-natsu??  Why d-did you c-call and How did you know..... "

It surprised me,  really … …he call to ask me if I was okay, I don't know if I should be happy or I don't know.

"I heard from Levy,  and also.... you were absent so, I kinda got worried cause that means you weren't coming to the date..... " it was the date.....wait WHAT?!  HE WAS WORRIED?!
Am I hearing it right or am I just dreaming....The Natsu Dragneel.... WORRIED?!

I was speechless,  didn't know what to reply. I can't imagine...

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