Chapter 11

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Time Skip

Day before the Reunion

Kara's Pov

It was late afternoon and I was just lying on my bed while scrolling through my phone while Barry was beside me.

He had fallen asleep but I let him rest. I heard he caught his doppelganger from Earth X and it must've been tiring.

I started to feel hungry and decided to go to the kitchen to make me something. I made some noodles and as I took out my fork,my mind wandered back to what happened three days ago.

Why were Ryder and Jake in National City? I never tried to figure it out since I was to busy avoiding them.

Ryder and Adam really look alike,I thought it was Adam at first but then I saw Jake.

I was playing with my noodles but I suddenly felt arms wrapping around me,I also felt a head on my shoulder.

"Barr?" I said as I turned around.

When I looked at him,he still looked tired and his eyes were half closed.

"Barr,you can go back to bed and rest. You had a tough day" I said and pushed some hair from his eyes.

"You had gotten up" He said with a small frown.

"Hey I was hungry" I said with a pout.

Barry gave that adorable smile as he pecked my lips before taking my bowl.

"You do realize that your noodles are cold" He pointed out but before I could say something,there was a knock on the door.

I went towards the door and opened it,revealing Winn.

" Hey Winn?" I said with a smile.

"Hey" he smiled and waved.

I welcomed him in. He put his jacket down and I asked "So what's going on?" I asked,thinking that there's danger.

"Nothing much,just wanted to check in"

Barry then came with my bowl and was now eating. Seriously? I looked at him with disbelief while he gave me a look that said "what?".

"Oh hey Winn" Barry said with his mouth full. I rolled my eyes.

"Barry~ I missed you. When are coming to visit?" Winn asked as he hugged Barry.

"Eh,you know how it is. Hopefully soon though"

Barry and Winn engaged in a conversation and I was about to follow but I noticed that I hadn't closed the door. I sighed and went to close it but I noticed the mailbox and decided to check if there was any mail or not.

As I walked towards it,I opened the door of the mailbox by pulling it down. There was one letter inside.

Taking it out,I closed the mailbox and turned the letter around.


I paled and I simply stood there frozen.....

Marley Rose....the letter was for....

I gulped as I headed inside and slowly closed the door behind me.
I went towards the living room slowly,only to see Winn and Barry in deep conversation. I sneakily went up stairs and went towards Barry and I's room.

I closed the door and locked it before begging to open the letter and started reading.

Dear Marley,
I know it's been awhile and I know you're not getting my Emails so I resorted to writing a letter.

We are having a Reunion that includes the New Directions and the Warblers on the 14th. It will make me so happy if you are able to show up.

The Location is at the Grand Hall right in Central City. It starts at 7 and please wear red or white...or even both is fine. You are also allowed to bring a plus one if you want.

Yours Truly,
Mr Shue.

There was an invitation inside aswell. I read the letter again, this
can't be happening right now.

When I read the date,it was the 10th.
I made a confused face because it was the 13th. Did this letter come late or something?

Putting that aside,atleast I know now why I saw Ryder and Jake back in National City. Knowing them,they probably mixed the directions up because the reunion is here in Central City.

The only question now I going or am I not going?

It was no lie that I missed everyone,
especially Unique but at the same time,I don't want to go through all that again.

The whole eating disorder, Kitty,Jake
and so much more. Not to mention that I haven't performed in awhile.
It brings back memories, to when I wanted to be heard on the radio but now I'm a superhero aswell as a journalist.

I honestly don't remember how I got into McKinley in the first place. The memory isn't so clear. I only remember the memories I made while I was there.

Maybe I should go.....but nobody will know I'm there,I'll just watch from afar.

At night

Barry's Pov

Should go to the Reunion or not?

This thought was constantly running through my head. I looked at Kara who was sleeping peacefully.

Meanwhile I'm over here stressed as hell. I was pacing up and down while
having the invitation in my hand.

Looking back at my weird encounter with Kurt at the CCPD,I thought about our conversation. Then there was that moment back at Jitters.

Everyone seemed to be cool with me except Trent. I sighed thinking about how mad he must be at me.

I always thought that when I saw everyone again,there would be so much drama. At this Reunion, people will recognize the one and only Sebastian Smythe, the famous billionaire model who disappeared off the grid. Something is definitely going to happen.

Then I thought back to my conversation with Alex. She went back to National City, vowing not to say a word to anybody, especially Kara. Even though I knew she was right, it was still scary.

I glanced down at the invitation.
I will go,I have to. If I can make things right,then I will. My guilt towards Trent will eventually eat me up if I don't do anything.

I suddenly felt determined. No more running. That doesn't sound right considering I'm the Flash but oh well.

I'm going to the reunion.

Hi guys👋👋

We have finally reached the day of the reunion. All that I've done was just build up but no more. We're finally there.


Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys again in the next chapter 🙏 😀 😊 ❤

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