Chapter 24

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Caitlin's Pov (Doppelganger Caitlin)

"Is that everybody?" Alex asked, coming to stand beside me.

We were currently in my computer room, watching and waiting for our hostages to wake up. I twirled my pen around my fingers and sighed.


"Remind me again why Iris and Joe West is here as well?" I added.

"How would I know?"

"Umm...because it was your plan?"
I said in Disbelief. Is she seriously acting dumb-

Just then,my monitor made a sound,
indicating that they were awake. I sat up straight and watched a guy with a uniform look around.

"That's my cue,I'll be right back"

I watched Alex tie her hair up but my eyebrows then furrowed in confusion

"Alex you're at the wrong door"

Her hand froze on the doorknob and she immediately went to the other door and left. What's going on with her? I didn't dwell on it much and turned back to my computer.

Picking my pen back up,I watched as some conversation went on between three of them. It was amusing how they were talking so casually when they are literally tied up and being held captive.

I glanced at my other computer,
where Barry Allen was in a different room and he seemed to be gaining consciousness as well. I got up and made my way to where he was.

Outside the room,my face was scanned and the door automatically
opened. Closing the door behind me,I heard him speak.

"Who are you?"

I smirked, leaning against the wall with my foot on it "What do you mean? It's me Caitlin"

He scoffed "Why are you doing this?"

"Who knows" I said in boredom

"Trust me,you're not funny"

"Wasn't trying to be but whatever makes you happy"

He rolled his eyes and looked to the side, making me smile a bit.

He's kinda cute. If only he wasn't married.

It was then silent for a few moments. I picked at my nails and sighed.

I seem to be doing that a lot these days.

I was about to talk again but an alarm suddenly went off.

I quickly turned went to the opposite side and flipped a switch,a cold breeze forming.

"Have fun freezing to death" I said briefly before leaving.

I heard Allen say "Very mature of you"
faintly before I shut the door.

What the hell could have happened?
Nobody can hack our security system,
heck nobody can even find this place so how the fu-

I then came to a realization.


I stopped running when I came to the room where the hostages were and the alarms already went offburst through the door.

Just as I suspected,the room was empty.

Damnit I should've known something was suspicious

"Caitlin?" I then heard a familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Alex standing there, having the audacity to look innocent and confused. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself down and not do something stupid. That didn't change the fact that it was visible on my face that I was annoyed though.

"Caitlin what's going on? Why is the room empty?"

I narrowed my eyes at her,then asked
"You're seriously asking that?"

"Uhh yeah? I was knocked unconscious,then I woke up and-"

"Wait! What do you mean you were unconscious??" I asked in shock

She gave me a weird look but still spoke "I was coming from the weapons room and I was suddenly attacked by someone out of nowhere.
I got knocked out and woke up in a prison cell"

Oh God. That means someone was pretending to be her.

I should have known something was up when she was acting weird earlier

I groaned "Now why the fuck didn't you say anything?!"

"I'm still disoriented okay?! Why? What happened while I was out?"

"That's not important. Right now we need to find them and get them back here before they try to free Allen"

Iris Pov
A few minutes earlier

"Aah we've got ourselves a fun little group over here. I see everybody isn't awake yet...oh well"

I immediately looked towards the doorway and saw...Alex??

Before I could say anything though,
She glanced in my direction and came over to me.

"There you are,I've been looking for you everywhere. Do you know where Joe is?" She asked and tried to untie the rope around me

"Alex! you're here-wait what do you mean where's my dad? Is he here too?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah you didn't know? Damn what kind of ropes are these?"

Alex took some type of device out and put it near the rope around my wrists, immediately cutting it.

"Oh so that's what this is for-"

A throat was cleared and I looked towards Trent and Santana,who were watching us in silence. Alex quickly got up and went towards them while I stood up and started looking for my dad around these people.

"So you're that girl from the video with Barry huh"
I heard Alex speak in the background.

"What video? And who's Barry?"


I finally found him and leaned down

"Alex! You got another one of those devices?!"

Surprisingly she did when she reached into her pocket and threw one to me.

"Dang that's a lot of people"

I turned and saw Brainy,Nia and J'onn coming in. It was gonna take a while to get everyone out so most of them were carried out. After making sure everybody was gone,I quickly went out as well.

However,I think I accidentally pressed something on the way and multiple alarms started going off.

"What the hell?!" I heard Santana yell.

"Quick let's get out of here!"

I smiled sheepishly and we all fled from there but we kind of got lost on the way. After some time,we then bumped into someone very familiar.

"Holy shit it's the Flash!"

When did he get here-

"Damn what happened to you?" Alex asked and I then noticed he was shivering. He then spoke with his
"other" voice.

"Was stuck in an ice room,I'm okay though"

I glanced at Santana and Trent,who was looking at Barry in disbelief and awe.

"Anyway,we should find a way to get out of here come on!"

Hey guys🧘



2023 was not really my year ngl but it had some great moments✌️it's time for 2024

What happened in 2023
Stays in 2023🤝

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter 💜🥰🙏

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