Chapter 1

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Blaine's Pov

"For the love of God Santana, we are at the right place,Kurt did not mix up the directions" I said in frustration.

We had arrived in Central City 2 days ago. Honestly,I'm so excited because I'll get to see everyone.
Kurt,me,Santana and Brittany stays in one house and we came first.

What's going on? Well,there's this
Coffee place called Jitters that Kurt managed to find. He and Brittany got there earlier than us
hence the reason I'm dragging Santana.

"Good because I swear I will-"
I immediately cut her off

"Go all lima heights on his ass yeah we get it" I rolled my eyes.
How does Brittany handle her? I will never know.

We arrived and of course,it was the right place. Santana just stood there staring,confusing the hell out of me. I stood next to her and asked "What are you looking at?"

Santana seemed to have paled and she looked shocked. It's as if she's seen a ghost. I started worrying and placed my hand on her shoulder "San-"

She suddenly grabbed my hand and held it before pointing to where she was looking.

I looked and let's just say my reaction mirrored hers completely.

You can't be serious right now....
My eyes are definitely tricking me.....


Barry's Pov

"Babe I'll be back before you know it ok?" Kara said from the other side

"Why are you even going? A month is too long,I can barely go
a day without you" I said pouting and trying to convince her not to go

"Bar you're being silly,I'll miss you too but we can still text and call each other"

It's not that I don't want her to spend time with her family in National city,it's just that I've never been without her for so long. I heard Alex and her girlfriend are getting married, so she's needs to be there.

Now you're probably wondering why I can't go? Central City needs
the Flash. I can't ask Caitlin or Cisco either since I told them they can take a break. Then again,I am being selfish because Kara hasn't seen her family since our wedding. I just sighed for not thinking about her feelings. I'm terrible, I know.

"I'm sorry love,you haven't seen your family in awhile and-"

"Hey its alright but I will come back soon"

I smiled "I love you"

"I love you more,now take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself. Be it as the CSI or as the

"Don't worry and you too"

I suddenly heard another voice,calling her. "I've gotta go bye honey love you" She quickly hung up and I placed my phone back in my pocket.

I looked at the long line at Jitters.
I rolled my eyes and stood in line. I looked around but I suddenly saw someone familiar at a table.
I narrowed my eyes but they soon widened.

This is a joke right?
Kurt? Brittany? What the hell?!!

I stood there frozen and just stared at them. I only snapped out of it when the person behind me signaled me to move forward.

I have so much questions right now. Wait a minute...... if Lady Hummel and the blonde is here...
that means killer and Satan is probably here awell. I cursed my luck and immediately looked everywhere else so that they don't recognize me. I can't let them know I'm here. Sebastian Smythe
is history and it should stay that way.

I looked outside and I wish I didn't. Speak of the devil....

Blaine seemed to be dragging Santana and they stopped infront of Jitters,probably taking in the place. I knew that I shouldn't be staring but I snapped out of it too late.

"Shit" was what I mumbled when
Santana looked at me. Her reaction was similar to mine when I saw Kurt and Brittany.
I swore my nerves were about to burst when Blaine saw me aswell.
The three of us stared at each other in silence. Until I got to the front.

I mentally thanked the gods that
Iris wasn't here today. I ordered and was praying for this to be fast and a dream at the same time.
I looked back and I saw them walking towards their table. They talked for some time and I knew that they were talking about me because all four of them
looked at me. I chuckled quietly when Brittany waved at me and Santana pulled her hand down. Kurt was glaring at me and looked as if he wanted to murder me. I gulped and quickly took my coffee.

I stared panicking when Blaine and Santana started walking towards me. I quickly ran out at normal human speed and I got pretty far. Hopefully none of them followed me.

Kurt's Pov

Brittany and I were just talking and catching up while we wait for our partners. I felt someone looking at us but decided to ignore it.

A few minutes later,Blaine and Santana finally arrived.

"Hey Kurt" Santana greeted me and gave me a quick side hug.

"Hey" I said back as she pecked Brittany before sitting down.

She looked paranoid for some reason but before I could ask,Blaine spoke before me.

"Guys you will not believe who is here" Blaine said in a rushed tone

"Who?" I questioned


"That Twink"

Santana and Blaine said at the same time. I raised my eyebrow because it was so fast I did not catch it.

Blaine and Santana started having a silent fight and I was more confused than ever.

"Oh my god,is that Mr CW?"
Brittany voiced out and pointed somewhere. I looked and I was shocked to see who it was before it turned to anger.

Smythe? You gotta be kidding me..

Before I knew it,Blaine and Santana started walking towards him but he rushed out was gone like the Flash.

"That was weird" Santana said coming back

"Was Sebastian.....nervous?" Blaine asked in shock.

I had to admit I was shocked aswell. One of the most confident jerks I know was actually scared.

"Fievel? Nervous? Give me a break"

"I mean,the old Sebastian I knew would have smirked and have no problem greeting us" Blaine explained and wrapped his arm around me.

He's got a point. Sebastian's reaction to seeing his high school rivals after so many years is rather concerning.

"That meerkat better show his ass at that reunion and explain everything" I huffed and drank my coffee.

" Why is a meerkat coming to the reunion?" Brittany asked confusedly.

I facepalmed silently.

Blaine just blinked at her and Santana rubbed her shoulder with pursed lips.

I love Brittany but this girl sometimes.....aish.

"Well imagine how happy Nick is going to be when he finds out Sebastian is here" I commented  

"Let's tell him when he comes"

"Yeah or else he'll come here right now"

"I hope he comes,I can't believe I'm saying this but I kinda missed Sebastian" Blaine admitted and I just shook my head at him.

"Shockingly and sadly,I missed him too" Santana said shrugging.

"I hardly spoke to him but whatever" Brittany said.

Hi everyone ☺ 😊

I finally managed to write this

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys again in the next chapter 🙏 😀 😊 ❤

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